At some point does it hurt recruiting


Well-Known Member
to be ultra conservative? Or are recruits not dialed in?

I would think it'd have a negative affect on the players currently on the team as well.


Up by 10 in the first half, ISU fumbles, it's a chance to put your foot on their neck and break them, I know they were backed up but they had all the momentum in the world. Instead we play conservative, run the ball and Coker fumbles.

Not trying to go for the win at the end of regulation, doesn't that speak volumes to JVB, and the rest of the team that the coaching staff doesn't have faith in them to get the team into scoring position? The offense looked like they may have gotten their confidence back on the go ahead drive, why not let them try to do something with it.

Not going for it on 4th down and 1 in the 3rd OT. Everyone knew the only way we win the game if we get a FG is if they turn the ball over, there was zero chance our D stops them.
Hell yes it hurts. Iowa will never get top notch recruits and will continue to have to develop lower tier to walk ons into NFL players.
Hell yes it hurts. Iowa will never get top notch recruits and will continue to have to develop lower tier to walk ons into NFL players.

We had some top notch recruits after our great run early 2000s, they were only good at crime and taking pictures with lots of cash and sideways hats.
We had some top notch recruits after our great run early 2000s, they were only good at crime and taking pictures with lots of cash and sideways hats.

The infamous Kyle Williams. But he had to teach his girlfriend a lesson. Twice.
Winning cures all. Doesn't matter what type of system you run when you win, but it does matter what type of system and players you have when you lose.
It only hurts recruiting if we are bad for a good amount of years. Other then the top 20 or so programs # of wins can only get u so far
Seriously? It does not hurt recruiting that we run a pro style offense. It was one of the reasons that Iowa gets so many players to the NFL. Top 100 recruits aren't just going to start signing up because we decide to go for it on fourth down or decide to run a no huddle spread offense.
We had some top notch recruits after our great run early 2000s, they were only good at crime and taking pictures with lots of cash and sideways hats.

So we shouldn't try to recruit highly rated players anymore, because ONE top recruiting class didn't exactly pan out well. Got it.

Kind of like how we went for it on 4th down at MSU in 2008, now we should always kick the FG because it didn't work out that one time.
Yes, all the strides Iowa has gained in recruiting better and better players will be lost because of an unimaginative staff afraid of its own shadow. i would bet this staff can't walk home at night alone ...too risky.

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