Assuming no Q change...

Let's operate as if CJB isn't available, and Canzeri is hurt and Bullock and Weisman are your only two backs.

How do you scheme to beat Pitt?

I don't think that you go strength vs. strength and get in a ball control battle with them - they have the better RB and he will keep the defense on the field a lot.

I think you can win with the hamstring roster by using the short passes if you throw lots of them. 40 passing attempts or more like against Ball State.

I think you are going to have to go uptempo more than in the two minute drill. I think you are going to have to go for points any time you cross the fifty - if there are 7 seconds left in the half and you are on their 35 you have to try to throw a long pass for a TD instead of kneeling on it and heading into the locker room.

I think you are going to have to have some designed QB runs to get some semblance of a running game going. If the DES have to worry about contain they can't crash down the line to stop the backs.

I think you have to check out of bad runs and the wr/QB have to check with the coaches on their reads before plays.

I think you need to jump out early for insurance TDs to keep the comeback from killing you in the 4th quarter when the D-line stats to get tired.

Cincy, in the spirit of your intended purpose, I would say:

* Spread the defense. Run two TE sets from pro-style set very infrequently. This would give MW the best chance of having a running lane.
* Split TE's wide. Remove all clutter from the box. Send 2 receivers on deep routes on most plays (one from each side of the formation. Force the safety to have to play deep.
* Use screen pass from spread but not a middle screen. Let the receivers run the db's off and screen vacated area.
* Throw deep at least once on every possession in which you've gained a first down. Then when D adjusts, strike deep on first down play action.

That is a start, anyway.

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