Ask Kirk Ferentz


Well-Known Member
Hello everybody, here's your chance to ask the coach a question. If you could ask him a question in a presser....what would you ask him?

Caution: you must word the question just right or you'll get an answer that isn't useful. So be skillful !

3 2 1 go.
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Coach, why do you think so many people on message boards are so much smarter than coaches; yet don't coach at any major level program?

Am I doing it right?
This question is a tired as Barry or Emmitt, or Pete Rose HOF Yes/No. Ok, I'll play....please explain why you have never/not one time mentioned a National Championship as being a goal of yours, despite being paid like other coaches who have on several occasions acknowledged said aspiration and preach it to their team on a regular basis.
Ahh, yes hello coach Ferentz, long time first time. How much money would it take for you to retire? I'll hang up and let you answer. GO HAWKS!!
Coach...why does the play calling at the beginning of games never seem to have a sense of urgency
Coach, do you like CJ's beard? Do you believe it hampers his ability to check down effectively?
How much did it cost to bail out Mary after she yelled at Gerg at halftime for making you look bad?
Dear Coach Ferentz,

First I would like to express to you my appreciation for the generation donations you have made over the years to the University of Iowa Children's Hospital, for running a clean program, and for being an outstanding role model to your players and to the people of Iowa as a whole. That said, I would like to present to you several questions/concerns that I have regarding the Iowa Football program.

1) Why does the coaching staff consistently botch time management/two minute drills, when we either have a chance to put points on the board before halftime, or when we need a last minute score to win or tie it up? One of the most memorable plays in recent Hawkeye history, TATE to HOLLOWAY, occurred IN SPITE OF the coaching staff's failure at clock management. We saw similar failures against Wisconsin both in 2010 and in 2014. Why haven't you or your staff learned from these past failures and corrected them?

2) Do you not recognize the importance of recruiting outside of the Big Ten's footprint? Some of the best teams both you and Hayden Fry have had were teams comprised of players from the states of Florida, Texas, and California (CJ Jones, Brad Banks, Drew Tate, Ramon Ochoa, Edgar Cervantes).

3) Is playing time determined solely upon how a player performs that week in practice, and if so, don't you recognize that some players perform better in games than they do in practice? If you rely solely upon performance in practice, then aren't you keeping potentially more talented players on the bench?

4) I want to preface this question by acknowledging that I admire the power running game, that it is crucial to controlling the clock, and that you need to be able to run the ball in Big Ten country in November. But what has traditionally been known as the pro-style offense is no longer the offense used by the majority of NFL teams today. A good number of both college and professional teams today have the "non-specialized position" approach, whereby the ball is put in the hands of the playmaker in different positions, and thereby giving him the opportunity to make a play. As you are aware, the New England Patriots have adopted this approach using their tight ends. Couldn't you tweak the system you run and incorporate this "non-specialized" approach?

5) Finally, I commend your ability to recognize and develop talent, and realize that Iowa is a program that needs to be developmental if it hopes to be successful. But when seasoned players graduate and their replacements are not quite yet up to par, couldn't you recruit more from the junior college ranks to fill those gaps?

Thanks again, and I look forward to your reply.
Do you believe the other 10 teams that have played and beaten Iowa State this year have simply played the best game of their lives to get the win? Otherwise that loss would look inexplicable on Iowa's resume this year.

There is a theory on the message boards that Paul Rhoads injects his players with a cocktail of HGH, Testosterone, and Aqua Velva prior to the Iowa Game? Do you think this is the difference? Is it legal?
Exactly. Would love to hear a anwser to that.
Good question after the Wiscy game,but doesn't hold water for the Indiana,Maryland games where we jumped out to leads in the 1st qtr. My problem is just his overall conservative approach to offense. Its almost like its an anoyance that KF has to deal with. I would love for him to get an OC that he would allow to run the O as he wants to and let him put the pedal to the metal.
Coach, would you not agree that the vast majority of games come down to a few plays here and there?
While I understand the concept and need for execution, can you not see that in those games it is almost always the gamers who are victorious?
The ability to turn nothing into something is a quality that defies execution. Execution and a steady hand carries around 80% (7,8 games), but to get over that hump you have to take risks, you have to be a gamer and so do your players. THATS how the Hawks seem to always drop games against less talented teams, ISU, Northwestern, MN (in the past).
Everything of greatness carried a risk.
I saw the end of the Wisconsin game, before it happened, I turned to the guy beside me and said "we score with 5:00 left" I was wrong by one second. Everyone knew Gordan was going to "get his". It was the 4thQ (d is getting tired). Want to practice execution?? Practice an on side kicks. The odds would have been better.
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Credit goes to Jon & Steve's podcast on Iowa's loss to Wisconsin. The numbers are alarming.

"Coach, do you realize since 2010, you are 11-21 against teams that finish above 500? Of the 11 teams that you beat, 5 came against teams that ended up with a record of 7-6."
Just one quick question Coach:

With all of the "cleaning up" that has been done, has half the playbook been scrubbed away?
Hey Gary and Kirk. Thanks for taking my call. Gary, do you remember when we met back in 1996 at the Gulp & Gas in Oskaloosa?

Good times..........anyway, Coach, what advantage do you believe it gives your program to have two punters on scholarship?
Credit goes to Jon & Steve's podcast on Iowa's loss to Wisconsin. The numbers are alarming.

"Coach, do you realize since 2010, you are 11-21 against teams that finish above 500? Of the 11 teams that you beat, 5 came against teams that ended up with a record of 7-6."

This belongs in the Gary Barta thread. My question is whether Barta is calling KF out on this since he gave him the lucrative extension based on 2009's Orange Bowl win? I guarantee it's an absolute no. KF is Elvis to Gary and all he tells KF is yes. He is a the University yes man.

Yes, Kirk, I think we should run more into 9 man fronts.
Yes, Kirk, the offense looks's awesome, unstoppable, strikes fear into others.
Yes, of course we shouldn't recruit junior college players...they are juniors then and would only be able to play one year, right?
Yes, of course, we will hire the entire Ferentz family.
Yes, new facilities, no problem...what, sound system in Kinnick, well of course.

You would think Gary has delivered enough to ask for a few more wins against teams that can actually also win games. If we don't beat Nebraska Friday, that would be an entire season without beating anyone with a winning record. Has that ever happened before?
When should we expect another Big Ten Title?

I remember how Mr. Davis answered that. Just for kicks, I wonder how Kirk would respond.
All great questions. Now someone please email this thread to GB and Steve Roe in the SID office. Since the University would like to be on the forefront of providing information and give the fans transparency; and the "mainstream" media is a dying source of entertainment and news, it is time they specifically faced this new fangled form of media known as the interwebz. Further, we all now know that it is clearly apparent that KF recognizes that there are several forum and fan sites that are read and followed by at least 15 or 20 Hawk fans!

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