Around the Horn


Well-Known Member
Fran and his chair toss were on Around the Horn I heard? Anyone know what they said? lol any publicity is good publicity right?
The "chair" highlight made both PTI and ATH. Not the best reflection on Iowa was the general reaction, except Wilbon, who said if it had been Knight, Kornheiser would have loved it.
Publicity? Among the 100 people in America that are home to watch these shows maybe. It is among about 25 topics discussed on the show daily, 125 weekly, the 6500 topics covered annually.....I think this gets lost among the 6500 topics.
Publicity? Among the 100 people in America that are home to watch these shows maybe. It is among about 25 topics discussed on the show daily, 125 weekly, the 6500 topics covered annually.....I think this gets lost among the 6500 topics.

I think your numbers might be slightly off, but I agree that it probably isn't something the majority of viewers will talk about... ever.

The only people I could see caring about this is:
-Iowa fans.

But I don't think it will have any sort of negative effect on recruits. Many coaches have worse "outbursts" than Fran and it doesn't affect their recruiting.

I personally would rather play for someone like Fran than someone who shows no emotion and doesn't get fired up when his team is getting embarrassed.

As a player I would have been just as fired up as the coach at that point... but then again... I'm not and never will play D1 sports. :D
I think your numbers might be slightly off, but I agree that it probably isn't something the majority of viewers will talk about... ever.

The only people I could see caring about this is:
-Iowa fans.

But I don't think it will have any sort of negative effect on recruits. Many coaches have worse "outbursts" than Fran and it doesn't affect their recruiting.

I personally would rather play for someone like Fran than someone who shows no emotion and doesn't get fired up when his team is getting embarrassed.

As a player I would have been just as fired up as the coach at that point... but then again... I'm not and never will play D1 sports. :D

The oddest thing of all was the completely blank looks on the faces of the players

Not even a, "Look out, the crazy ************ has a chair"!
The oddest thing of all was the completely blank looks on the faces of the players

Not even a, "Look out, the crazy ************ has a chair"!
Oh, they knew they were sucking they just couldn't figure out how to stop it even though FM had told them what he wanted to try. So he flipped a little.
They aren't surprised by him because they trust him and they know he was right.
The "chair" highlight made both PTI and ATH. Not the best reflection on Iowa was the general reaction, except Wilbon, who said if it had been Knight, Kornheiser would have loved it.

Wilbon WAS awarded the win on the segment, FWIW, so it can be said that Reali implicitly agreed.
[ame=] Iowa's McCaffery slams chair - YouTube[/ame]

Fran is the man, anyone who thinks otherwise >>>heres the door
Fran is the man, anyone who thinks otherwise >>>heres the door

Agree. If Fran can't get it turned around, then we might as well shut the program down or start paying recruits under the table. He's been a good recruiter so far, he's coached his first two inferior teams to play with and sometimes beat some great teams, and he's a really likable guy with the fans and media. If he can't do it, it probably isn't going to happen for a LONG time.

[For those who will inevitably take it literally, my statement about folding the program or cheating was an exaggeration. I don't REALLY think we should ever do either. Thank you.]
People need to stop comparing Fran and Rhodes. They coach two completely different sports. If you cant see the difference between football and basketball(pace of game, style of game) then you have an issue.
People need to stop comparing Fran and Rhodes. They coach two completely different sports. If you cant see the difference between football and basketball(pace of game, style of game) then you have an issue.

Yes......... I have noticed that the shape of the ball is different as well...........
Agree. If Fran can't get it turned around, then we might as well shut the program down or start paying recruits under the table.

There is a winning idea I can endorse...if you ain't cheating you ain't trying as they say in the SEC.

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