ARob's mom speaks

Not with concussions drummer. A Dr. that can't diagnose a concussion should be fired immediately. The only thing the a Dr. rely's on from a player with a concussion is what 1 + 1 is.

You're right, on the sidelines. But it's more than just "how many fingers am I holding up?" or "what day of the week is it" after the initial incident.

In the days and weeks following...things like headaches, ability to concentrate, sleep patterns, etc are watched. Some guys get dinged and are fine in a couple days...others have ongoing symptoms (like Justin Morneau of the Twins). Even with advanced technology, what the patient reports is a key link in the assessment and treatment of any illness.

Regardless, I find it hard to believe that if a Dr recommended against Robinson playing...Ferentz would have played him anyway and put him at risk. That's the unspoken inference in this thread.
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You're right, on the sidelines. But it's more than just "how many fingers am I holding up?" or "what day of the week is it" after the initial incident.

In the days and weeks following...things like headaches, ability to concentrate, sleep patterns, etc are watched. Some guys get dinged and are fine in a couple days...others have ongoing symptoms (like Justin Morneau of the Twins). Even with advanced technology, what the patient reports is a key link in the assessment and treatment of any illness.

Regardless, I find it hard to believe that if a Dr recommended against Robinson playing...Ferentz would have played him anyway and put him at risk. That's the unspoken inference in this thread.

Yep, it is estimated that about 80% of every medical diagnosis is based on verbal information provided by the patient. This is why health communication is one of the fastest growing fields in social scientific research.

Sure, ARob could have said, he wasn't having headaches, that he was sleeping well, that he had experienced no instances of confusion, and that his academic woes were just a matter of him not taking school seriously enough. Beyond that, the 20% of the diagnosis based on neurological tests could have been inconclusive, which would have put the weight of the diagnosis firmly back to the information the patient provided during the interview.

So yes, Adam could have been concealing information about his condition, which, considering the fact that he came back after two weeks for a 6 week medical condition last year, would make sense. Also, the guy has have been conscious of the fact that basically everyone was waiting for somebody to come take his reps, whether that was Brinson, Hampton, Wegher, Coker, or even Rogers.

However, this does not change anything with respect to what his mother said. Perhaps the real information has come out now. The goal should not be to bash ARob or use him as an example for other players, but to maybe understand what ARob did for the program and have him spend some time with the neurologists at the UIHC to see if maybe we can learn something about his case, not only his sake, but also for future Hawk players as well.
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Also, after the whole Rhabo thing, can't we just maybe take into consideration that there could be room for improvement in how the team deals with player health? Perhaps we could look back and wonder what Kanellis would have been able to accomplish if they kept him away from contact a bit more after his first concussion.

These are all reasonable discussions. To just jump to demonizing anyone who might raise these concerns smacks a bit too much as an MSNBC or FOX mentality for my taste.

This is a tough issue. The thing I'm most concerned about the whole Rhabo incident is that someone is going to decide they need to oversee the activities of the football program. That would be disastrous in my opinon. I don't think Iowa's track record with the players' health has been that bad. You cite to Kanellis, one player in 12 years, when in actuality they prevented him from playing any further, being mindful of his long term health. Plus, just even in the past few years, a lot more is known about concussions than appreciated before. I'm sure the same precautions would be taken with Robinson, if he's allowed back on the team.
I agree. I didn't mean to make it seem like the staff was ignoring player health, just that they should be open to continually learning. I also hope they don't wait until ARob is reinstated to the team to reach out to him and help him deal with any ongoing concussion issues. That is just the humane thing to do.

I mean they had a player that sustained repeated concussions in less than a month and started exhibiting totally uncharacteristic behavior. It would seem they might want to take a closer look into that before just slamming the door.
What would be interesting is if they allow him to rejoin the team, but don't allow him back on the field due to his concussion history. I don't know one thing about his health, but if he is at risk for long term, permanent damage, that would be the most compassionate thing to do for him.
I agree. I didn't mean to make it seem like the staff was ignoring player health, just that they should be open to continually learning. I also hope they don't wait until ARob is reinstated to the team to reach out to him and help him deal with any ongoing concussion issues. That is just the humane thing to do.

I mean they had a player that sustained repeated concussions in less than a month and started exhibiting totally uncharacteristic behavior. It would seem they might want to take a closer look into that before just slamming the door.

There is a compelling argument to be made for whether or not KF ultimately brings Arob back. I can understand both arguments.

I will say that if KF's mind is made up that Adam is not ever coming back, I hope that message is clearly conveyed to Adam so he could get an opportunity somewhere else.

FWIW, I don't expect to see Adam play at Iowa again.
That was my point weeks ago. Two possiblities:

1. ARob's concussion had nothing to do with the late-season problems that got him suspended...and the subsequent pot charge. It's on him 100% so he doesn't get another chance.

2. The concussion was serious enough to affect his judgement, academic performance and mental function. In that case, he shouldn't be back on a football field. It's too risky.

Either way, he's not in Black and Gold again.

I can imagine a scenario where he would be allowed to keep his scholarship and finish school at IOWA...if it was found to be a "career-ending injury". KFz would look like a hero in that instance. But the window of opportunity is likely gone for that.
I'm still not sure what concussions have to do with him smoking pot and/or not going to class. Concussions may have an effect on a person's mood, but they don't cause you to forget to obey the law or team rules. I'm sure he's sorry that he messed up after the fact, but, like parenting, a coach needs to be consistent with his punishments.

I like ARob, but Coach needs to stay firm with his decision.
I realize things should be judged on a case-by-case basis, but ya know...ARob has had his chances, and regretfully did not meet expectations off the field.
concussions did not make the kid start smoking pot

Actually, they could definitely lead to having a kid smoke pot, if the kid is doing it to self-medicate. Concussions cause dizzyness, confusion, and can cause nausea. A lot of these same conditions are why cancer patients get medical marijuana.

Seriously people stop listening to Rachel Maddow, or Glen Beck. Life is not always answered by the most simple sound bite.

This isn't to say that ARob wasn't just being irresponsible, but to make these blanket simplistic statements, ala "a parent needs to be consistent" or "concussions did not make the kid start smoking pot" just shows your lack of perspective.
Actually, they could definitely lead to having a kid smoke pot, if the kid is doing it to self-medicate. Concussions cause dizzyness, confusion, and can cause nausea. A lot of these same conditions are why cancer patients get medical marijuana.

Seriously people stop listening to Rachel Maddow, or Glen Beck. Life is not always answered by the most simple sound bite.

This isn't to say that ARob wasn't just being irresponsible, but to make these blanket simplistic statements, ala "a parent needs to be consistent" or "concussions did not make the kid start smoking pot" just shows your lack of perspective.

HAHAHAHA, man I about wet myself reading this one. Yep a kid who has scholastic trouble (even before the concussions) was smart enough to figure out that all of his symptoms were very cancer like and smoking pot will solve the issues. If you believe he was "self-medicating" then many many people with drug use charges would love you to be there judge.
I'm guessing that if we didn't have Coker and a promising group of RB recruits coming in than then people condemning ARob and saying he shouldn't come back wouldn't be so loud in doing so.

We see that we're ok at that position so ARob becomes more expendable. We don't have such a promising group then the same people would be begging KF to give him another chance.

Pretty sad and I guess pretty much human nature.
I have no doubts that his concussions were a factor in Adam's fall from grace. I'm not saying they relieve ARob from any responsibility, but I certainly think they were a factor.

That said I have to question whether it's wise for someone with that medical history to play B10 football again.
HAHAHAHA, man I about wet myself reading this one. Yep a kid who has scholastic trouble (even before the concussions) was smart enough to figure out that all of his symptoms were very cancer like and smoking pot will solve the issues. If you believe he was "self-medicating" then many many people with drug use charges would love you to be there judge.

Keep in mind, A-Rob was eligible the entire time. Wasn't it that he was missing study tables and such that got him in trouble?

I've never once even thought about smoking pot, and never been around anyone who was smoking it (and I mean at the time they were smoking....obviously I know a few guys who've smoked it). And I knew that pot was a way to self-medicate for concussions, to relieve the headaches. It doesn't take a rocket scientist, or even personal experience, to think that might help.

I'm not saying that it's likely, or that if true A-Rob should be absolved. But it's possible.
A. No way Adam rejoins the team now.

B.Yes college students smoke pot, but not a lot of them are Big 10 athletes. and im sure some Big 10 athletes smoke, but they arent out driving around with missing lights a couple weeks after ur best player got kicked off the team for it.

Not sure about point A. Disagree with first part of Point B, I think that's pretty naive. But everything after the "but they aren't" on Point B is dead on! That's the salient point there.

Arob's moms article was a reply to a guy who went off on her son and it was clearly just a parent backing her son displaying some facts instead of just sitting there taking it anymore that 80,000 people think their experts on the situation who have 1. Never met Adam Robinson, 2. Have no idea what's going on behind the scenes.

Seems to me that she was very measured in what she said and I thought it was a good response to hearing all the blind criticism from so-called experts on her son. This took nothing away from Arob's chances of getting back on the team in my opinion. I imagine how he is doing in class and such probably has a lot more to do with that.
I'm guessing that if we didn't have Coker and a promising group of RB recruits coming in than then people condemning ARob and saying he shouldn't come back wouldn't be so loud in doing so.

We see that we're ok at that position so ARob becomes more expendable. We don't have such a promising group then the same people would be begging KF to give him another chance.

Pretty sad and I guess pretty much human nature.

If after the past 12 years anybody that's a hawk fan, heck just think about last year why go back any, if anybody that's a hawk fan is overly comfortable with our running back situation to the point that it would make up their mind at all about whether a kid should be condemned or not, they're plain foolish. How awesome did we all think it was last year we had Jewel, Arob, Wegher, Coker coming in, etc. and we ended up having our number 3 full-back at the beginning of the year get some carries in a game at tailback because of all the attrition. I can't imagine legitimately that our rb situation would effect anybodies volume about anything, otherwise those people haven't been watching Iowa football lately.

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