Arizona Vs Pittsburgh Super bowl

For those saying it was a cleanly officiated game, what game did you watch? The play tevaun smith tried to draw pass interference on was already pass interference. On a few plays CBs were pulling our WRs at the hip. Running into the punter maybe, roughing no. Targeting. Tackling a defender. A TON of blown calls

I thought you were leaving?
Also, I'll go on record now and say Iowa wins the B1G and makes the playoffs next year. I think Jerminic Smith is the WR we've been missing since DJK, Beathard will be better (scary thought), Wadley will be our feature back, with Daniels as our bruiser.

King will be back, hopefully Ott will be too. Mabin, as much as he bombed this year, will be back and better, and he's already a great tackler (poor in coverage).

this taste of results will drive our team to be better next year
So the Hawks, who have skin in the game will bounce back next year, but you, who has no skin in the games, can't stand college football anymore even though you say the Hawks will make the playoffs next year against the same corrupt system.

dude, don't procreate.
I say hats off to anybody who is able to turn away from spectator sports. They are way too over-emphasized, and I have no doubt that dirty-dealings happen. I have been able to shrug off the NFL and NBA, and never cared much about baseball, anyway. I know men who don't care one whit about sports, and I envy them. The Hawks always suck me back in though, and I wish I could learn how to not get affected by it so much when they lose. It's stupid and senseless, but it's probably a psychological need to feel part of a team somehow.
Take estrogen pills, they'll probably help.
Personall I blame the 1997 world series for killing my interest in baseball. I had been losing interest for years but th 97 world series went 7 games and extra innings in game 7. I said to myself if I can't get interested now, I never will, and it just took forever to finish that game even though it only took like 11 innings.

Now most years I don't even know who is playing in the world series. If the white Sox or Cubs are in the playoffs, at least I know they are playing, but I still don't watch.
Was that the year Florida marlins won 1-0 in game 7? I was at that game...great time, probably due to extra innings keeping beer stations open up until the end. But I do get the baseball went out with the "man-trap" for me shortly thereafter... This is possibly Hocks23 issue as well...

The "man-trap" occurs when as we age and hit new life milestones, we have to give up some extra-curricular " hobby" as well. Things we spent the first 20 years appreciating, participating, and educating ourselves in. You graduate college, got to give up say playing racquetball. Get a job, hang up the fishing and hunting, meet a girl, there goes auto-racing. Get married, out with the NBA. Girlfriend on the side, so long baseball. Buy a house, adios skiing. First kid, see ya softball league. 2nd kid, later interwebz pron.

You get the idea, It continues and consumes until you have like nothing left but your grand kid's 6th grade band concerts, football and golf. Some guys like hocks23, just have their preferences in a different order. Like giving up college football before say NFL football or hockey or volleyball. He probably just recently recorded a life milestone.

Eventually, we fool ourselves into thinking it's childish, or maybe overpaid athletes, or a sport corrupted, economics plays a part, as do time and age... but in the end you come to the acceptance that it is just life and you've been trapped into compromising. **** happens...ya move on. See ya Hocks, feel free to step back in time to time to keep us posted on the Iowa woman's volleyball team!

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