Arizona Vs Pittsburgh Super bowl


Well-Known Member
What on earth does this have to do with an Iowa message board you ask?

well that was the game that completely ended all interest I had in the NFL. Haven't watched a game outside of the super bowl socially since.

last nights game was the end of my interest in college football. Despite several missed calls and a couple very questionable calls, this was not a game we were going to be playing a single opponent in.

its all about ratings and money now, and tv execs will stop at nothing to make sure they get the best, even if it means corrupting what was once the greatest sport of all, NCAAF.

The he sad part, is that despite all the desire against us to win that game (and you won't change my mind, it was corrupt to the core), we still hung in there and I truly believe we're the better team.

This is game left a permanent sour taste in my mouth, much like the super bowl in the title did. (Btw I'm a Vikings fan, so I had zero interest in that game).

so hawk fans, I bid you farewell. I'll always be a hawkeye but as of this morning, I no longer GAF about college football.

thanks Jon, for this awesome site for all these years, and not banning me when everyone thought I was trolling
Sams has a sale on Reynolds aluminum foil for your headgear. Get a grip dude.

You honestly going to sit there and tell me cook wasn't pre selected as mvp?

He played awful

now back to trying to figure out how to delete my account
You honestly going to sit there and tell me cook wasn't pre selected as mvp?

He played awful

now back to trying to figure out how to delete my account

So you are picking a season that Iowa went 12-1 and is headed to the Rose Bowl as the year you are ditching football? So long brah, I'll be enjoying the LA Sun, cheering on the Hawks!!
So you are picking a season that Iowa went 12-1 and is headed to the Rose Bowl as the year you are ditching football? So long brah, I'll be enjoying the LA Sun, cheering on the Hawks!!

It has nothing to do with Iowa I'm still a hawk bro. I just don't dig it anymore, with ESECPn and the ratings driving games one way or another.

i can tell you for a fact games have been bought and paid for in recent years. Don't ask me how bc I'm not saying, but my track record on here proves I don't lie or troll like that. (No it wasn't an Iowa game, though I'm convinced the big 10 was pressured to deliver a "respectable" team to the CFP this year
Also, I'll go on record now and say Iowa wins the B1G and makes the playoffs next year. I think Jerminic Smith is the WR we've been missing since DJK, Beathard will be better (scary thought), Wadley will be our feature back, with Daniels as our bruiser.

King will be back, hopefully Ott will be too. Mabin, as much as he bombed this year, will be back and better, and he's already a great tackler (poor in coverage).

this taste of results will drive our team to be better next year
You're going nowhere. I'm totally jaded re college sports and I'm still here. Like heroin, the Hox will pull you back in.
It was a clean game. It was also not a game Iowa should be ashamed of. The coaching was not bad, play calling not bad, clock management OK. We just lost. It happens to Alabama, Notre Dame, Stanford, Oklahoma....why when Iowa loses to a top 5 team is it any worse?
Was a very cleanly officiated game. Either team could've won. It just happened to be sparty's day.

It was a clean game. It was also not a game Iowa should be ashamed of. The coaching was not bad, play calling not bad, clock management OK. We just lost. It happens to Alabama, Notre Dame, Stanford, Oklahoma....why when Iowa loses to a top 5 team is it any worse?

People are frustrated because we easily could have won. Of course we easily could have lost to Wisconsin too

thats football. Snort
I will agree with the mvp though. Cook did not deserve that. There were other players that was much more deserving than his weird a$$. Cook bragged about how penn st. didin't even lay a finger on him and he passed for what 300 yards. Then Iowa has him running for his life and sacking him and the BIG is trying to say he hasn't recovered from his injury! I call B S! The Hawks kicked his butt real good!
For those saying it was a cleanly officiated game, what game did you watch? The play tevaun smith tried to draw pass interference on was already pass interference. On a few plays CBs were pulling our WRs at the hip. Running into the punter maybe, roughing no. Targeting. Tackling a defender. A TON of blown calls
Personall I blame the 1997 world series for killing my interest in baseball. I had been losing interest for years but th 97 world series went 7 games and extra innings in game 7. I said to myself if I can't get interested now, I never will, and it just took forever to finish that game even though it only took like 11 innings.

Now most years I don't even know who is playing in the world series. If the white Sox or Cubs are in the playoffs, at least I know they are playing, but I still don't watch.
I say hats off to anybody who is able to turn away from spectator sports. They are way too over-emphasized, and I have no doubt that dirty-dealings happen. I have been able to shrug off the NFL and NBA, and never cared much about baseball, anyway. I know men who don't care one whit about sports, and I envy them. The Hawks always suck me back in though, and I wish I could learn how to not get affected by it so much when they lose. It's stupid and senseless, but it's probably a psychological need to feel part of a team somehow.
I say hats off to anybody who is able to turn away from spectator sports. They are way too over-emphasized, and I have no doubt that dirty-dealings happen. I have been able to shrug off the NFL and NBA, and never cared much about baseball, anyway. I know men who don't care one whit about sports, and I envy them. The Hawks always suck me back in though, and I wish I could learn how to not get affected by it so much when they lose. It's stupid and senseless, but it's also a deep psychological need to feel part of a team somehow.

Its just entertainment, but many if us have a personal connection to The U, so we care.

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