Argus Leader columnist on Larson

Very good article, and a sad story on the part of Larson. My guess is there was less felony involved in the event and more"Go ahead and look in mycar, oh my god the cops!" type of thing.

Larson looks to be a huge waste of talent at this point. There are a lot of AAU evaluators that said that Larson had Mason Plumlee type athleticism and talent, but that all apears to be going to waste.
Wonder what Donovan does? If Larson is as talented as what is written perhaps he's got another chance coming his way. The fact his transgression occurred in the spring may play in his favor depending on FL roster and available prospects.
Will be interesting to see what action, if any, Donovan takes. What allegedly transpired outside the Florida bar was relatively minor, with no apparent theft of property. But Larson's margin of error already was razor thin, and by terms of his probation in South Dakota he could be put in jail for four months.

My bet is Donovan does nothing.
For the kid's sake he needs to learn a lesson that will allow him to pull his head out of his a#%@ and start making better decisions, probably immaturity but how many dumb mistakes can you make in a 3 yr time?

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