Are you ready


Well-Known Member
For the boom?

[ame=]YouTube - Hawkeye Marching Band Pregame during Ohio State game[/ame]

I am! :D
If you mean boom as in the marching band gets the axe and is no longer at the games then yes, I'm ready for the boom
There would be no college football tradition without the band. So yes I am ready for the BOOM, Iowa Fight Song, On Iowa, Ba-da-ba-da-ba-da-ba-dadah! Go Hawks!; 4th down Imperial March, Back in Black, and last but not least In Heaven there is No Beer! Go Hawks!
I'm thinking that 75% (3 of the 4) of the posters to this thread either have been or are currently in a marching band. I'm not, nor have I ever been. You do the math.

The marching band is a waste of time, space and energy not to mention that it is dated and irrelevant in today's world. Halftime is no longer an event to watch nor is it enjoyable should you choose not to fight the lines at the restroom or concession stands. Most (a solid majority) would prefer to watch / listen to something else.

I appreciate their enthusiasm but it's time to do away with the program. The seats could be used for add'l revenue and the surrounding seats would no longer be viewed as undesirable.
That is maybe one of the dumbest things I have ever read on a college football message board.

Agreed. Listen to the NFL Network slogan if you don't want the bands in college football: If you want the NFL, GO to the NFL. The bands are part of the college football atmosphere, just one more thing that separates it from the NFL. I like piped in music as much as anyone before 3rd downs when the home team is on defense, don't get me wrong. But pre-game, halftime shows, and things like the Victory Polka are as much a part of the tradition as the football is.

And yes, I was in the band in high school. But, I LOATHED marching. I was on the football team, so I didn't have to do the football performances, but I hated street marching. And that's why I don't join the marching band now. I still hate marching with a passion.
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Oh yeah, I'm so ready! Sis-BOOM-bah all the way!

I am not, nor have ever been in a marching band. In fact, I've spent most of my life playing extremely loud electric guitar and singing hard rock music in the clubs of eastern Iowa and northern Illinois; and I can't believe that ANYONE would want to do away with marching bands at college sporting events. Wow, just wow...

It'd be a sad, sad day when the IMB isn't playing the Iowa Fight Song, On Iowa, or In Heaven There Is No Beer at legendary Kinnick Stadium.
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While I do play several instruments, none of them are brass, woddwind, or drums, so no I'm not at a marching band. I'm just not a guy that wants to trun CFB into the NFL.
For me marching bands are kind of like the WNBA. In both cases I admire the incredible amount of work the participants put in, and I support funding both, despite the cost, because I think they are positive programs to have in existence. Unfortunately, if I watch either for more than 6 seconds I lapse into a coma.
I've never played in the band and I would hate to see them do away with the band. If you don't like the band then I would sugggest you watch the NFL. If you go by the example you used to do away with the band, then why do we need a crowd or cheer leaders. Lets just have players on a field and watch it on TV. All those people at the game just make all that irritating noise. :mad:
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Oh, and not to mention that the band likely had an impact on the Indiana game last fall. The crowd was more dead than the zombies that several students were portraying for the Halloween festivities. The band comes out, plays "Thriller", with their own special "zombie" choreography, and it was like the crowd was shocked back to life, and Kinnick was rocking again for the rest of halftime and greeted the team back onto the field. I'm not sure we win that game if the crowd were still out for the count when the team came back out of the locker room.
Oh, and not to mention that the band likely had an impact on the Indiana game last fall. The crowd was more dead than the zombies that several students were portraying for the Halloween festivities. The band comes out, plays "Thriller", with their own special "zombie" choreography, and it was like the crowd was shocked back to life, and Kinnick was rocking again for the rest of halftime and greeted the team back onto the field. I'm not sure we win that game if the crowd were still out for the count when the team came back out of the locker room.

You mean the game we were losing by 14 midway through the 3rd quarter before Sash had a pick 6 on our OWN 15 yard line with about 7 mins to go in the 3rd quarter? I guess the band must taken some kind of trojan horse virus and laid there in waiting until just the right time when it sprung because we played like shIIIIt until Sash went pick 6. We still let them come back and score a FG before the 3rd ended. Stanzi had two HUGE pass plays early in the 4th to give us the lead.

The band is a waste of money and now a waste of my time talking about it.
hawkeye12345, I don't want you to take this the wrong way, but you are a complete freaking moron, and you should probably stop before you make yourself look like any more of a fool.

That is all.
You mean the game we were losing by 14 midway through the 3rd quarter before Sash had a pick 6 on our OWN 15 yard line with about 7 mins to go in the 3rd quarter? I guess the band must taken some kind of trojan horse virus and laid there in waiting until just the right time when it sprung because we played like shIIIIt until Sash went pick 6. We still let them come back and score a FG before the 3rd ended. Stanzi had two HUGE pass plays early in the 4th to give us the lead.

The band is a waste of money and now a waste of my time talking about it.

All I'm saying is that the band definitely helped the crowd get back into it. I'm not saying they pulled out some kind of voodoo to control the pinball. But if the fans had just sat around during halftime and NOT gotten re-energized, there would have either been rioting after the team continued to play flat, or people would have just up and left. If that wouldn't be a demoralizing sight, I don't know what would be.
Hawkeye12345 I think you are the only person in the whole country that thinks this. College football is about tradition and class. It is obvious you don't know the first and have none of the second. Marching band will always be a part of college football, get used to it.