Anyone interested in debating "Pretenders"? How 'bout when the lights are on?

That's so Iowa. Epic flame out down the stretch. This was one of the easiest of the remaining games, they'll be lucky to win another game. Moment just got too big for them the second half of the season.
Why do you revel in ragging on this team so much? Why are you even here?

I don't revel in ragging on this team. I'm very supportive of this team; I believe they are, well, were, better than they have been playing and have high expectations of them to play up to their ability.

However, I also rely on many, many years of observations that, with few exceptions, allow me to recognize trends and reveal truth. It's not my fault that, when it comes to "Iowa", that truth tends to be on the wrong side of the ledger. All I'm guilty of is being harsh in my criticism of their failure to play to their ability and perform up to expectation in order to sustain success and transcend that "pretender" label.
I don't revel in ragging on this team. I'm very supportive of this team; I believe they are, well, were, better than they have been playing and have high expectations of them to play up to their ability.

However, I also rely on many, many years of observations that, with few exceptions, allow me to recognize trends and reveal truth. It's not my fault that, when it comes to "Iowa", that truth tends to be on the wrong side of the ledger. All I'm guilty of is being harsh in my criticism of their failure to play to their ability and perform up to expectation in order to sustain success and transcend that "pretender" label.

******** I'm 46. You show me a team in those many, many years of that observations of yours that has done what this team has done to date and was a Pretender. I look forward to this debate!
Holy smokes Still. Admit it, you actually relish in this, don't you.

Good lord.

NO! I'd much rather praise the Hawks for playing up to their abilities and sustaining the success that they were so close to achieving. Since that is quickly becoming a very unreliable -- perhaps, very unlikely -- proposition, I'm gonna fall back on just being right.

Pathetically arrogant? Maybe. I can live with that. Right now, it's all that I got watching this toilet swirl gaining speed.
We choked like usual. We can't make free throws when the bright lights are on. We make stupid turnovers. We just can't seem to do anything when it matters.
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Still waiting on the comparison of those many many years Still :). With all that knowledge you shouldn't have an issue spitting out a pretender comparison!
I don't revel in ragging on this team. I'm very supportive of this team; I believe they are, well, were, better than they have been playing and have high expectations of them to play up to their ability.

However, I also rely on many, many years of observations that, with few exceptions, allow me to recognize trends and reveal truth. It's not my fault that, when it comes to "Iowa", that truth tends to be on the wrong side of the ledger. All I'm guilty of is being harsh in my criticism of their failure to play to their ability and perform up to expectation in order to sustain success and transcend that "pretender" label.

In the past weeks you start a thread calling the team pretenders, call them over achievers, a "toilet swirl", and are always the first poster to point out how smart you were in being the first to see the teams struggles...yeah, that's damned supportive. I bet the players are glad you are such a very supportive fan in calling them these things. Last, I for one could not give a **** less about how much of a genius you are by being the first to say the team sucks every game that they don't live up to your expectations. In my opinion, what you're guilty of is needing to get over yourself.
In the past weeks you start a thread calling the team pretenders, call them over achievers, a "toilet swirl", and are always the first poster to point out how smart you were in being the first to see the teams struggles...yeah, that's damned supportive. I bet the players are glad you are such a very supportive fan in calling them these things. Last, I for one could not give a **** less about how much of a genius you are by being the first to say the team sucks every game that they don't live up to your expectations. In my opinion, what you're guilty of is needing to get over yourself.

Agree! I find it laugh able that people within our own fan base calling this team a Pretender. I prefer us to see how this season plays out..
In the past weeks you start a thread calling the team pretenders, call them over achievers, a "toilet swirl", and are always the first poster to point out how smart you were in being the first to see the teams struggles...yeah, that's damned supportive. I bet the players are glad you are such a very supportive fan in calling them these things. Last, I for one could not give a **** less about how much of a genius you are by being the first to say the team sucks every game that they don't live up to your expectations. In my opinion, what you're guilty of is needing to get over yourself.

I like Stillbuster and he's usually a good poster whether positive or negative. But he's way overboard on this one.
Baseball is right around the corner, cheer up kids, last time I checked they don't shoot free throws during a baseball game.
I think we're seeing teams realizing the way to stop us is try and take Uthoff and Jok out of the game.We need others to step up and put some shots down.
I, for one, am outraged.

I had had these guys pegged as a bubble/tourney team before the season. But once I realized I was selling them short, I expected that they'd run the table in conference play, conference tournament play, AND in the NCAA tournament. because that's what good teams do.

Good teams never take minor dips mid-season, then make adjustments to weather the storm.

So there you go. I remain outraged.
I, for one, am outraged.

I had had these guys pegged as a bubble/tourney team before the season. But once I realized I was selling them short, I expected that they'd run the table in conference play, conference tournament play, AND in the NCAA tournament. because that's what good teams do.

Good teams never take minor dips mid-season, then make adjustments to weather the storm.

So there you go. I remain outraged.

^ wins HawkeyeNation basketball board for '15-'16.

Well done sir.
I, for one, am outraged.

I had had these guys pegged as a bubble/tourney team before the season. But once I realized I was selling them short, I expected that they'd run the table in conference play, conference tournament play, AND in the NCAA tournament. because that's what good teams do.

Good teams never take minor dips mid-season, then make adjustments to weather the storm.

So there you go. I remain outraged.


Also Stillbuster there is no data to support the stupid *** pretender talk. None zip zilch nada!! You just talking like you've seen this before nd the fact is you haven't.. That's a FACT!!

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