Anyone Feel Bad for Lebron?


Well-Known Member
I am indifferent towards Lebron and the heat. I really like Kevin Durant, but I know that him and his team are young and will have another go. I am thinking, why not give Lebron a ring?

He is the most hated man in bball and people will always hate him, even when he excels. I just want him to have a ring so he can say he got one, and stop some of the attacks. I don't think his departure warrants this much dislike. He could definitely be more cocky for being the best player in the game now. - Then again I am not from Cleveland. Some people hate his "decision" but proceeds went to charity.

I feel bad for him, he didn't do anything worth the hatred. Not good for a man's soul.

Does anyone else kinda feel any sympathy for him?

( I know someone will simply post.."No.")
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Remind me again how much "bron" makes in a year playing a little kid's game while wearing short pants and sneakers?
I don't necessarily feel bad for him, but I am annoyed at how the majority of the hatred towards him is completely unfair.
i don't. but he is a multi multi multi millionaire, is probably the best player in the league right now. has mvp's and can get anything he wants to except a ring. i think he's a big cry baby and and whines and whines and whines when something doesn't go his way. i think he's been coddled his whole life and for once in his life something hasn't turned out the way it was suppose to for him and he can't handle it. he doesn't have the killer instinct jordan had but that doesn't make him a bad person or player. i just don't think he's in that same class as jordan is.
i don't. but he is a multi multi multi millionaire, is probably the best player in the league right now. has mvp's and can get anything he wants to except a ring. i think he's a big cry baby and and whines and whines and whines when something doesn't go his way. i think he's been coddled his whole life and for once in his life something hasn't turned out the way it was suppose to for him and he can't handle it. he doesn't have the killer instinct jordan had but that doesn't make him a bad person or player. i just don't think he's in that same class as jordan is.

It is very true about being coddled his whole life. Since he touched a bball, I am sure everyone was after him and his potential and gave him everything he wanted, always heard yes, always won championships. He is probably frustrated he hasn't won, and wants to win for himself and the critics, because he is undoubtedly annoyed
I don't hate LeBron at all but I hate what the Heat did, and the smugness and arrogance of the three of them.

It will give me pleasure as a sports fan if the experiment falls on its face.

But I don't hate LeBron. He already seems depressed that he is so clearly the best and yet his mind won't let him do what MJ"s or Kobe's did. He will never be thought of in the same breath because he lacks a certain something upstairs in the competitiveness department.
Hell no I dont feel bad for him, did you hear him during that celebration for the "big 3" when he arrived? "i didnt come to win "one" championship, not two, not 3, not 4,5,6,7". He basically garenteed they were gonna dominate for years to come. Hes too cocky, and the media tries so hard to compare him to MJ. I wouldnt mind one bit if he became the Dan morino (sp?) Of basketball.
I don't hate LeBron at all but I hate what the Heat did, and the smugness and arrogance of the three of them.

It will give me pleasure as a sports fan if the experiment falls on its face.

But I don't hate LeBron. He already seems depressed that he is so clearly the best and yet his mind won't let him do what MJ"s or Kobe's did. He will never be thought of in the same breath because he lacks a certain something upstairs in the competitiveness department.

You about summed it up. But, honestly, as you said, he really does seem depressed. Always a little moofy, like he is not really happy. It is that killer instinct, intangible, can't just have it, you're either born with it, or you become so fed up of losing, it develops, but never to the capacity of a person born with the killer instinct.

- My theory on the killer instinct.
Hell no I dont feel bad for him, did you hear him during that celebration for the "big 3=" when he arrived?="i didnt come to win="one=" championship, not two, not 3, not 4,5,6,7=". He basically garenteed they were gonna dominate for years to come. Hes too cocky, and the media tries so hard to compare him to MJ. I wouldnt mind one bit if he became the Dan morino (sp?) Of basketball.
Technically so far he is 2 for 2 on years of dominating. Didn't win it all but still dominated everyone. Now this year likely to win. I'm sure he still won't be happy tho because he wasn't able to make a few ignorant haters happy.
Why would I feel bad for someone who gets to play basketball for a career and make millions of dollars playing it. If the worst thing in your life is that fans root against you then you have it pretty flippin easy.
Why would I feel bad for someone who gets to play basketball for a career and make millions of dollars playing it. If the worst thing in your life is that fans root against you then you have it pretty flippin easy.

I think having millions of people hate you for doing your job does not make for a "flippin easy" life, no matter what anyone says.
Hell no I dont feel bad for him, did you hear him during that celebration for the "big 3" when he arrived? "i didnt come to win "one" championship, not two, not 3, not 4,5,6,7". He basically garenteed they were gonna dominate for years to come. Hes too cocky, and the media tries so hard to compare him to MJ. I wouldnt mind one bit if he became the Dan morino (sp?) Of basketball.

Video or transcript of ANY semblance of a guarantee please. I'll wait.
I think having millions of people hate you for doing your job does not make for a "flippin easy" life, no matter what anyone says.

They don't hate him for playing basketball. And hate is a really strong I don;t know that there is many people that hate him.

And when does he come in contact with these haters? when he plays on the road? Oh no he has to face mean crowds. Poor baby. If he doesnt realize it is part of being a professinal athlete then he needs to grow up. And yes his life is flippen easy no matter what you say.

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