Anyone else not notice the Rutgers player laying down on the opening kick?

Lol. Yea, I remember that very same rule when my boys played youth football. You did the correct thing though having a small number of plays for them, which they really only needed to memorize 3 as the plays flipped sides.

Moral of the story, NEVER ask a lawyer to design your offensive plays.

Look, I stole the idea from a flag football game that I saw while waiting for my son's soccer game to start last year. This fella coaching had that playbook I described plus just one straight up run and a straight up pass, but apparently the rules differ across city lines and my colleague lives in a town where they have banned the option. My guess is Dabo has ordered the youth coaches to not run it because he doesn't want guys learning shitty techniques that would turn Clemson into Nebraska.
We used to run the "sleeper" as our first play of the game EVERY GAME in 8th grade. We receive the kick, the return team jogs off (except one guy who stops just short of the sideline), the offense jogs on (one player short), and we line up and throw it to the wide-open guy over by the sideline.

And it was wide open, every time. And I don't think we ever completed it.

I find such great joy in this story.
8th grade
Trick play
Every game
Never completing it.

Even better if you imagine a coach at halftime in tthe locker room telling that story to rally his team. With music swelling in the background.

It'd be a movie like Airplane. Except about football.