Anyone else getting a little tired of Fran's T's?


Well-Known Member
The first part of the year it was like "yeah he has fire and passion, I think it is great." Now I know part of it is their record, but I'm getting a little tired of it. I don't mind one every once and awhile but he is averaging like one a game. Last night we were up by 5 and he gets one on a charging call that looked like it could have gone either way. Battle knocks down a couple free throws and it seemed to spark them and not us.
The first part of the year it was like "yeah he has fire and passion, I think it is great." Now I know part of it is their record, but I'm getting a little tired of it. I don't mind one every once and awhile but he is averaging like one a game. Last night we were up by 5 and he gets one on a charging call that looked like it could have gone either way. Battle knocks down a couple free throws and it seemed to spark them and not us.

I agree there is a time and place for a technical. If Iowa is down big, who cares it's fine to blow off some steam. I don't like T's in close games as Iowa can't really afford at this point to give up free points and extra posessions to the other team.

I don't know if I believe in T's sparking a team.

Fran is a competative guy who wears his emotions on his sleeve. This Iowa team is not very good and I am sure he is frustrated has hell. I would think that Fran will get less T's once the team gets better. I just see it as him being frustrated, knowing guys are playing hard but just lacking talent.
Like any behavior or mannerisms a coach exhibits, all is good when you're winning. Or a relationship, if a person has a quirk it's cute when things are going well, but when things aren't it's annoying. Right now I don't know that his T's are a detriment or keeping us from winning, heck if that was our only problem.......

Next year at this time if he's still getting T'd up with regularity and we're losing with far too much regularity than I will be less tolerant of most any behavior he exhibits.

Lute used to get T's up often, but he also won a lot more. Right now I'll be patient with coach and the team.
I am fine with them. I like the passion and fire. The T's have nothing to do with the outcome of the game. Do you really think him getting a T resulted in us losing by 15? So if he didn't get a T we lose by 10? Who cares!
I don't think we see as many if we are winning. That said most officials I know tend to start tuning out guys that "work" the refs constantly, and it's hard to come back once you get a reputation like that.
I'd rather have a coach that get T's than one that sits glumly on the bench with his head in his hands.
I am fine with them. I like the passion and fire. The T's have nothing to do with the outcome of the game. Do you really think him getting a T resulted in us losing by 15? So if he didn't get a T we lose by 10? Who cares!

No, but I don't think it is helping either(obviously). You can have passion and fire without getting them too. I understand that is how he coaches, just don't think he needs to get one every game.
I'd rather have a coach that get T's than one that sits glumly on the bench with his head in his hands.

This is exactly how I feel. When we're getting screwed by the refs, I like a coach who doesn't sit and take it. That's Fran to a tee. Like in the first half of the Minnesota game, it was nice to see Fran stick up for the team and let the refs hear about it.

I've seen alot of games where one team is getting the shaft in a big way, their coach gets T'ed up, and the calls even out the rest of the way. I think it's a part of what a coach has to do from time to time.

That said, it can be overdone. Doing it after one questionable call is a little much.
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I've got absolutely no issue with them. I think he's right to let the officials know that there is a new marshal in town that's not going to sit quietly while they ream him and then go yuk it up with the opposing coach.
I don't have any issues with him getting the T's he is getting...hell i have seen alot of coaches do a hell of alot worse than he has done and not get T's so alot of it has to do with the Refs and his coaching name that is out there.

Plus lets face it the refing in the big ten this year has been an utter joke, if the refs suck they need to be told and Fran has NO issues letting them know it.
This thread is hilarious. Fran is a great coach and some people are getting sick of him getting technicals?!?

Good lord, last year it was Lickliter not showing any emotion, this year Fran is showing too much.
I don't think we see as many if we are winning. That said most officials I know tend to start tuning out guys that "work" the refs constantly, and it's hard to come back once you get a reputation like that.


I'm ok with Fran's T's right now but I do think the one he received last night was uncalled for.

Down and distance, Fran....down and distance.
I could do without all the T's. I understand some times, you can use one to fire up a team or try and swing momentum, but when you get one nearly every game, they lose their effectiveness. I really thought the T in last nights game was a turning point in the game that lead to the Hawks downfall. I appreciate some fire in a coach, but I also know the value of self control.

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