Anyone Else Bothered by All The Phantom Calls?


Well-Known Member
Numerous times in the playoffs Lebron and Wade have faked being fouled b/c they know that anytime either one of them is breathed on they get the foul call. The last one right before half called on Jason Kidd was beyond ridiculous. Same with Lebron being poked in the eye a few games back. IMO, this cheapens the game. Sure, everyone likely does it and has for awhile, but these two seem to pull this sh*t more than anyone else. How does the NBA reign this crap in? Should they review every foul? Thoughts?
Numerous times in the playoffs Lebron and Wade have faked being fouled b/c they know that anytime either one of them is breathed on they get the foul call. The last one right before half called on Jason Kidd was beyond ridiculous. Same with Lebron being poked in the eye a few games back. IMO, this cheapens the game. Sure, everyone likely does it and has for awhile, but these two seem to pull this sh*t more than anyone else. How does the NBA reign this crap in? Should they review every foul? Thoughts?

One easy fix would be to give them a T if they are acting like they got fouled and they never did. That would put a stop to it right away.
One easy fix would be to give them a T if they are acting like they got fouled and they never did. That would put a stop to it right away.

That's a good idea, and seems easy enough to institute.

How do you pull this off? You would have to video review every single foul call in order to give the T.

This happens in every professional sport. Part of the game and all sports unfortunately
Its pretty bad anymore, maybe adding a ref would help, but the replays on some of these calls are comical. Even the players cant help but laugh that the refs "bought it" afterwards.
How do you pull this off? You would have to video review every single foul call in order to give the T.

This happens in every professional sport. Part of the game and all sports unfortunately

Could they review like they do in football with someone closely watching every play? I know it makes the game longer and may kill momentum or swing it the other way. Would also be nice if the refs reviewed the rules on traveling :rolleyes:
Could they review like they do in football with someone closely watching every play? I know it makes the game longer and may kill momentum or swing it the other way. Would also be nice if the refs reviewed the rules on traveling :rolleyes:

Game moves way too fast - there isnt 30-45 seconds in between plays

And this isnt NBA only...its all sports
Ive always thought that the NBA should have an official review each game to determine blatant fakes/flops. Have a fine for the first 3-5 times and then start handing out one game suspensions per offense. I dont think Bosh would make it to the fifth game of the season.
Ive always thought that the NBA should have an official review each game to determine blatant fakes/flops. Have a fine for the first 3-5 times and then start handing out one game suspensions per offense. I dont think Bosh would make it to the fifth game of the season.

This makes sense and is more realistic than trying to review in-game. The fines could be tiered, and based on percentage of total salary.
Regardless of who wins this game, this is one of the worst officiated games I've seen in a while.
Ive always thought that the NBA should have an official review each game to determine blatant fakes/flops. Have a fine for the first 3-5 times and then start handing out one game suspensions per offense. I dont think Bosh would make it to the fifth game of the season.

[ame=]YouTube - ‪Chris Bosh Flop vs. Bulls, February 24, 2011‬‏[/ame]
Refs have been giving the Heat calls the whole playoffs....time for the refs to call some flopping fouls....cut that crap out of the Heat gameplan.
One of the big things the NBA needs is a younger, fresher, more athletic referee base. There are guys born in the 1940's that are still NBA refs. They can't keep up with the pace and athleticism and they simply can't see very well. The average age needs to be about 35, not 45.
The lack of consistently applied rules, the Piston bad boy style of play, and what I call the Shaq Factor (If I'm strong enough I can push you out of your defensive spot) finally drove me away from the NBA. I hear I'm missing a entertaining finals...

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