anyone else apathetic rather than angry?

More angry than apathetic because I still care and feel the Iowa players deserve better. However, I don't blame you if you are apathetic as this offense is a snoozzzzzzze.
Considering no more season tickets or Rv parking. Can't take the poor coaching and lack of caring. I don't like Rhoads but at least he has some genuine emotions he leads with.
Angry and fed up about what happened, apathy for what is coming. But I'll probably be angry again if they lose to Purdue. Losing at Pitt is a given; I may be doing something more worthwhile next Saturday.
Who else is so proud here? C'mon I know you're out there, get so proud! Let's get proud now! Let me hear you get your so proud out hawk fans! We can still win the BoneG and get to the playoffs! The Cyclowns didn't beat us it was the refs and the super bowl!
Still more angry, but the apathy is slipping in.

This is where I am at. Mid-tier BIG teams like Mich. St. and Wisky were able to turn the corner and Iowa wasn't and probably never will under the current regime. since 2009 they've had favorable schedules, yet they couldn't take advantage.......major source of frustration.
Im at dinner and my wife, for purely childcare planning, just asked me what time the hawk game was Saturday. My answer was "who gives a ****?"...and I meant it.

does that count?

Count me in as emotionally vacant. I'll record the games and fast forward. No more Saturdays at Kinnick and no more Saturdays built around Hawkeye football. He's 7-9 vs isu. I know they're not the doormat they once were but they're barely bowl eligible every year.
Since 2010

Mediocre to absolute garbage fire football is the norm now at Iowa.
I am still angry. I will be apathetic when the Hawks play against Pitt as I refuse to watch this mess any more.
Im at dinner and my wife, for purely childcare planning, just asked me what time the hawk game was Saturday. My answer was "who gives a ****?"...and I meant it.

does that count?

you're getting there, although your reason for going to dinner with your wife should remain between you two :D

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