Anyone angry or upset with the game

Damn, I woke up at 5:45 and pop open yahoo and the third article on there is BHGP. Was just trying to have a nice morning then read that article and now I am back on this site and just as ****** as last night. This is not good for anyones health to be this amped up at 6:45am about Hawkeye Football.
I hear ya.. i took the dog for a long walk after the game(my therapy) before logging on and checking out the message boards. Woke up a little after 5 and couldn't sleep. I am ****** at how KF is running this program into the ground and no one in the Athletic dept can do anything about it.
I haven't listened to anything der KirkFer has said in several years: not the post game, definitely not the boot-licking contest that is the call-in show. I've even gotten to the point that I turn the channel during the pre-game interview and also if I hear he's gonna be on BTN. Just not interested in hearing the regurgitation.I'm really not that upset with the loss. I expected it. It's just another of the 1000 cuts that come with each mismanaged season. I'm VERY upset that Kirk Ferentz has been Iowa's coach for the last 6-7 years and even more angry that he will be for 5 more. I've resolved to not renewing my season tickets because of how much I do not enjoy watching his bad strategy and personnel decisions cause his team to struggle to win and / or lose most games every season.
The key question as someone posed above is: how can Wisconsin do it and we cannot? We're incredibly similar programs, yet they've basically dominated the B10 along with OSU for years. I HAVE to think it's coaching. We recruit similar area, we have similar facilities and fan-bases, and yet Wisky has been great these past 4 years, and we have not.

Maybe another related question is: is there anyone who thinks Melvin Gordon would have gained 2100 yards with the Iowa offense this year? Or any of the last 4 years?
As long as you approach offense as a means of ball control (Weisman even admitted it in a recent interview) instead of a means to score... you limit your chances to win. While the punt returns were killers, if we had generated any offense before and after those... we could have squelched the momentum. Instead we played right into their hands.
Upset and angry over this game? Absolutely, but I'll do you one better: I'm upset and angry with the way things have gone with this program since winning the Orange Bowl in January 2010. It's not just any one particular game anymore - it's the last 5 years in their entirety.
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Meh, in the end the game did not mean much. Both teams were already bowl elligible and neither had a chance to win the division. So the only thing on the line was a berth in the Holiday Bowl, which I admit would have been nice, vs. going to the San Fran bowl or something like that.

So wait a minute, Iowa could have gone to Holiday Bowl with a victory? NOW I am getting upset.
Used to get angry and very upset after games like this. Now I just shake my head, shut off the TV, and find something else to do. I was actually rather surprised at how not upset I was after the game yesterday, and that has me more concerned than anything as I am sure I am not alone.