Anybody ok with forgiving DJK?

I don't like the black eye he gave the university either but is it gonna make Iowa fans stop being Iowa fans? I'm still an Iowa fan and still proud to be an Iowa fan. I agree with you Buffet on everything except I have no problem with him being in the record book. He didn't cheat and performed on the field were he was eligible to be at the last 4 years. Should he have been eligible if this has been going on? That's up for debate I suppose. In my mind he was a good football player and I enjoyed watching him as a football player. I enjoy watching Robert Downey Jr. act as well. Now I may disagree with some of their life style choices, but their talents entertain me.
I haven't forgiven him because honestly I don't think he's done anything to me.

The only harm he's done has been to himself, his family, and his team. They are the one's he needs to make amends with, not some overweight 40 year old guy who watches a lot of football from his couch while wearing stretchy pajama pants with an elastic waist.
I don't like the black eye he gave the university either but is it gonna make Iowa fans stop being Iowa fans? I'm still an Iowa fan and still proud to be an Iowa fan. I agree with you Buffet on everything except I have no problem with him being in the record book. He didn't cheat and performed on the field were he was eligible to be at the last 4 years. Should he have been eligible if this has been going on? That's up for debate I suppose. In my mind he was a good football player and I enjoyed watching him as a football player. I enjoy watching Robert Downey Jr. act as well. Now I may disagree with some of their life style choices, but their talents entertain me.

There is a difference between taking drugs and dealing drugs. Dealing drugs hurts quite a few people.
He hasn't been convicted of dealing drugs. Dealing drugs does hurt people and is a much more serious deal. But those people have made that choice to go down that path and hurt their bodies. If they didn't want the drugs, the dealer would have no job. The dealer is an enabler. Please don't think I'm not apologizing for DJK's actions one bit.
I don't like the black eye he gave the university either but is it gonna make Iowa fans stop being Iowa fans? I'm still an Iowa fan and still proud to be an Iowa fan. I agree with you Buffet on everything except I have no problem with him being in the record book. He didn't cheat and performed on the field were he was eligible to be at the last 4 years. Should he have been eligible if this has been going on? That's up for debate I suppose. In my mind he was a good football player and I enjoyed watching him as a football player. I enjoy watching Robert Downey Jr. act as well. Now I may disagree with some of their life style choices, but their talents entertain me.

I have no problem with him in the record book either. Everything he did on the field he earned and he was fun to watch. I said this before the Arizona game and caught hell for it and I'm sure I will now but In my opinion, off the field he was a distraction. I guess I don't like the TO/Ochocinco personality and I don't think DJK's personality fit a Ferentz coached Iowa team. Again one mans opinion.
He hasn't been convicted of dealing drugs. Dealing drugs does hurt people and is a much more serious deal. But those people have made that choice to go down that path and hurt their bodies. If they didn't want the drugs, the dealer would have no job. The dealer is an enabler. Please don't think I'm not apologizing for DJK's actions one bit.

If you honestly think he wasn't dealing, or wasn't aware that someone else was dealing out of his house, you are fooling yourself. The threshold for charging someone with drug dealing is high, so he won't be charged, but common sense, as well as spending too much time around drug dealers in my time, tells me that he was dealing.

And really? Drug dealers are only around because people want drugs? You know they are people who pray on other people's addiction, poison the community, and often resort to violence and theft to make their living. If they aren't so bad, would you like one living in your neighborhood?
If you honestly think he wasn't dealing, or wasn't aware that someone else was dealing out of his house, you are fooling yourself. The threshold for charging someone with drug dealing is high, so he won't be charged, but common sense, as well as spending too much time around drug dealers in my time, tells me that he was dealing.

Myself and several other people I know lived at times with guys who dealt drugs but didn't deal ourselves. It's not that unusual. Use 'em, sure, but dealing is a whole different ballgame. In fact, the guy I was living with got busted for dealing, I got it for possession and spent two weeks in the county slammer for 1rst offense. That oughta tell you how long ago it was.
If you honestly think he wasn't dealing, or wasn't aware that someone else was dealing out of his house, you are fooling yourself. The threshold for charging someone with drug dealing is high, so he won't be charged, but common sense, as well as spending too much time around drug dealers in my time, tells me that he was dealing.

Wow. No stereotyping there. That "high threshold" didn't stop them from charging his roommate with dealing.

We already know he was aware of someone else dealing - he was charged with keeping a drug house, and obviously got the drugs from his roomie. But he wasn't charged with dealing, contrary to your earlier post's accusation.

Please stick to the actual facts.
The comment that Michael Vick did not pay a price is ludicrous. He spent YEARS in jail and has volunteered hundreds of hours and thousands of dollars to the humane society and other animal protection groups. I think he should be an insporation to DJK: you can rise again after owning up to your mistakes and paying a hefty personal price.
The real question will be if he can forgive himself and move past the mistakes. He is potentially going to see some consequences on this one. Second, he does need to seek help. We can say what we want but drug use usually is an indicator of some underlying issues.

I don't believe he needs forgiveness, he needs our prayers.
If you honestly think he wasn't dealing, or wasn't aware that someone else was dealing out of his house, you are fooling yourself. The threshold for charging someone with drug dealing is high, so he won't be charged, but common sense, as well as spending too much time around drug dealers in my time, tells me that he was dealing.

And really? Drug dealers are only around because people want drugs? You know they are people who pray on other people's addiction, poison the community, and often resort to violence and theft to make their living. If they aren't so bad, would you like one living in your neighborhood?

You spent time with drug dealers :eek: That means you must deal them too? Just cause you live with it doesn't mean you do it. Maybe it was just a convenient hook up for him.
So if people didn't want drugs, there would still be dealers? Is that what you are saying? That would defy the logic of supply and demand. It sounds cold and it's unfortunate but people get addicted to things they wanted in the first place. Your body doesn't naturally want coke or other drugs just for the hell of it.
I never said drug dealers are ok or want them in my neighborhood.
You spent time with drug dealers :eek: That means you must deal them too? Just cause you live with it doesn't mean you do it. Maybe it was just a convenient hook up for him.

I certainly didn't live with drug dealers, because anyone with an ounce of common sense knows that living with a dealer is going to lead to trouble?

Just because you live with them doesn't mean you do it, but it does mean you allow it, accept it, and are not bothered by it.

If your son told you he was living with a drug dealer, would you say "That's ok, just don't do any drugs yourself?"

Honestly, do any of you people read these ridiculous rationalizations you are posting here?
I certainly didn't live with drug dealers, because anyone with an ounce of common sense knows that living with a dealer is going to lead to trouble?

Just because you live with them doesn't mean you do it, but it does mean you allow it, accept it, and are not bothered by it.

If your son told you he was living with a drug dealer, would you say "That's ok, just don't do any drugs yourself?"

Honestly, do any of you people read these ridiculous rationalizations you are posting here?

No I wouldn't say it ok, but in your previous post (which you changed) you said you knew drug dealers and since he was living with them he was one. You had experience. So how is your rationale any different than anyone elses. I don't care about this whole DJK situation that much. He didn't hurt me, just himself, but when you come here telling people they're idiots and then claiming you know he was dealing cause you know some drug dealers is the most idiotic thing I've seen on a while, and I read this board a lot.
If he would ask my forgiveness, which he doesn't need to I would give it gladly. He made a huge mistake - no doubt, but he's a Hawkeye and he needs our support right now.
No I wouldn't say it ok, but in your previous post (which you changed) you said you knew drug dealers and since he was living with them he was one. You had experience. So how is your rationale any different than anyone elses. I don't care about this whole DJK situation that much. He didn't hurt me, just himself, but when you come here telling people they're idiots and then claiming you know he was dealing cause you know some drug dealers is the most idiotic thing I've seen on a while, and I read this board a lot.

I never called anyone an idiot, and I never changed my previous post. I was unaware that the roommate had been charged with dealing, so my suspicion that DJK himself was dealing has been tempered somewhat, although I still have my doubts. I mean a guy with drugs in his system, a guy with drugs all over his bedroom, and a guy whose roommate is accused of dealing...IT IS OUTRAGEOUS TO SUSPECT HE COULD DEAL DRUGS! But I guess my rationale is no different from anyone elses.

My previous post's point stands. Even if he wasn't dealing, he willfully put himself in a comprising position by living with a dealer, and by doing so, at least gave his tacit approval of drug dealing.
The threshold for charging someone with drug dealing is high, so he won't be charged

You obviously haven't spent that much time with drug dealers. An ounce of weed is a felony and makes you a drug dealer. It doesn't matter if you've ever sold in your life. Having an ounce = felony drug dealer.

An ounce is a lot for a casual recreational user, but for a cancer, HIV patient, or fibromyalgia, that can be a week or two's supply. It's hard enough for them to find their medicine, let alone having to find it once a week.

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