Any word on Whitey's progression?


Well-Known Member
Wanting to see if he has added items to his offense repertoire for his final season to make him more effective in crunch time?
I heard Fran's been working with him 1 on 1 a lot in the offseason and at the start of practice. I'd be looking for some extra unnecessary technical fouls that cost us games with a few ill-timed ejections thrown in for good measure. Heard he's still having trouble with the kung-fu clipboard kick though, could hurt us down the stretch.
Fran also has taught him every time he gets knocked out of bounds to grab the nearest chair and slam it on the floor.
Fran also has taught him every time he gets knocked out of bounds to grab the nearest chair and slam it on the floor.

Who's going to pick up the slack from McCabe departing is my big question? I didn't hear anything about Judo lessons this summer which concerns me. You can't leave a toes at the line 3 pointer 10 feet short without having a textbook hip-toss in your repertoire.
I heard Fran's been working with him 1 on 1 a lot in the offseason and at the start of practice. I'd be looking for some extra unnecessary technical fouls that cost us games with a few ill-timed ejections thrown in for good measure. Heard he's still having trouble with the kung-fu clipboard kick though, could hurt us down the stretch.

When does the funny start?
Right here*, theboat...

why do they call him Whitey? Why not red? Or reddy? Or gingy?

*maybe not.

He was axed on teh Twitter a couple years ago what nickname he preferred. This was when sum people started calling him teh Ginga Ninja. He didn't like that, said he just preferred plain ol "Whitey."

So you haz ginger all to yourself.
Fran says that Aaron is playing well, and adjusting well to his new position. I really would not expect much of his game to change...he is not going to become a great outside shooter as a senior. But, he can have a big year at the power forward position, doing what he does...and having senior strength and guile vs younger players in the league.
Fran says that Aaron is playing well, and adjusting well to his new position. I really would not expect much of his game to change...he is not going to become a great outside shooter as a senior. But, he can have a big year at the power forward position, doing what he does...and having senior strength and guile vs younger players in the league.

This. He doesn't have the skillset to see major changes in the way he plays the game. I can't remember which game it was last year, but there was a stretch where he just took over, getting to the rim time after time. That is what I want to see from him. Not necessarily a change in teh basketball skills, but being consistently aggressive.
This. He doesn't have the skillset to see major changes in the way he plays the game. I can't remember which game it was last year, but there was a stretch where he just took over, getting to the rim time after time. That is what I want to see from him. Not necessarily a change in teh basketball skills, but being consistently aggressive.

Whitey is going to see an increase in production as he is going to take a lot more shots now that Marble is gone. For instance look at these numbers for Melvin Ejim from 2 years ago vs last year.

3Pt% .346 vs .348
FG% .505 vs .504

Yet he went from 11.3 PPG to 17.8 PPG, as he took a TON more shots (436 vs 284). He didn't shoot any better, just more of them. Whitey will avg. over 15 PPG for this reason alone.
In describing Whitey, Fran said the following words (among others): phenomenal, tremendous, terrific, and fantastic. That was just discussing his hygiene.
This. He doesn't have the skillset to see major changes in the way he plays the game. I can't remember which game it was last year, but there was a stretch where he just took over, getting to the rim time after time. That is what I want to see from him. Not necessarily a change in teh basketball skills, but being consistently aggressive.

I think it was the Michigan game that we lost. There was a stretch where he took over and scored almost every time down the floor. He demanded the ball and scored at will. It made me start a thread right after about how good we would be this year with him being the go to guy. Then he never showed it again. This year I have a feeling we will be seeing that a lot more out of him.
I think it was the Michigan game that we lost. There was a stretch where he took over and scored almost every time down the floor. He demanded the ball and scored at will. It made me start a thread right after about how good we would be this year with him being the go to guy. Then he never showed it again. This year I have a feeling we will be seeing that a lot more out of him.

That was it. 14 straight points from layups/dunks or FTs.