Any current band members on here?


Well-Known Member
Sometime back, perhaps even on a different forum, someone suggested that the UI band play "Saftey Dance" every time an opponent gets the ball inside thier own 10 yardline or so.

Quite frankly this is brilliant. Any chance it could be done?
Are you referring to this?

[ame=]YouTube - The Play: Bears Attack the Band[/ame]
Will the Wisconsin band be at the Wisky/Iowa game? Maybe Iowa fans will compare the two bands and decide it is time that the Iowa band director turn in his monopoly card and retire to where ever band directors retire so that Iowa can hire an enthusiastic young band director that actually wants to have an active top notch Big Ten marching band, instead of the bottom feeder.
Will the Wisconsin band be at the Wisky/Iowa game? Maybe Iowa fans will compare the two bands and decide it is time that the Iowa band director turn in his monopoly card and retire to where ever band directors retire so that Iowa can hire an enthusiastic young band director that actually wants to have an active top notch Big Ten marching band, instead of the bottom feeder.

Father of band member here. My son was a trombone player for 4 years in the Iowa band. He worked hard. He was a good athlete in high school, good musician, and an excellent student. He is no geek. The only person who can fire Kastens is the head of the music school. I have no idea who that is, but I can assure you that the band members have no say.

Hawkeye 12345, it is cowardly to call a group of students "geeks" when you get to post anonymously on a message board. You are a complete loser.
I'd say it's the people worried about what music the band plays during the game who are the geeks. ;)
Father of band member here. My son was a trombone player for 4 years in the Iowa band. He worked hard. He was a good athlete in high school, good musician, and an excellent student. He is no geek. The only person who can fire Kastens is the head of the music school. I have no idea who that is, but I can assure you that the band members have no say.

Hawkeye 12345, it is cowardly to call a group of students "geeks" when you get to post anonymously on a message board. You are a complete loser.
Lighten best friend is a band director and we affectionately refer to band members as geeks or bando's. It is not meant to degrade the band members it is something even the kids embrace. I know the commitment band students make...and generally speaking are sharp kids!!!! So just relax and consider the fact it isn't a slap in your sons face.
Naw 12345 was being a dbag.

Band geek is an affectionate term, he wasn't saying it that way though.
Will the Wisconsin band be at the Wisky/Iowa game? Maybe Iowa fans will compare the two bands and decide it is time that the Iowa band director turn in his monopoly card and retire to where ever band directors retire so that Iowa can hire an enthusiastic young band director that actually wants to have an active top notch Big Ten marching band, instead of the bottom feeder.

Iowa has plenty of room for improvement, they're sort of the milquetoast band of the Big Ten. But Wisconsin is one of the worst bands I've ever seen this side of Washington in the 1982 Rose Bowl. They compensate for near-total inability to play or march together by jumping up and down and playing the Budweiser Song. They're great cheerleaders, for sure.

But calling that a "top notch" band is like calling a comedian "top notch" for saying f*** every other word.
At least the nazi's haven't made them stop playing the "victory polka"!
I believe there was an effort to do so a few years ago, but hawk fans would not stand for it. Anybody old enough to remember?
I believe that is the greatest song played by any band in all of college football, but i'm a bit biased.
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At least the nazi's haven't made them stop playing the "victory polka"!
I believe there was an effort to do so a few years ago, but hawk fans would not stand for it. Anybody old enough to remember?
I believe that is the greatest song played by any band in all of college football, but i'm a bit biased.

I know in the 80's Dr. Jones got complaint letters ever year about "In Heaven There Is No Beer" from "blue haired ladies", as he called them. Also an occasional professor would complain it sent the wrong message to students. But I don't know of any effort by the UI to shut it down. They did, however, shut down "Cocaine" while Dave Woodley was director. The band along with most colleges also stopped playing the "Hey Song" sometime after Gary Glitter was convicted of child porn in 1997. The NFL didn't follow suit until his second conviction, for child abuse, just a few years ago.

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