Anthony Tucker: What Next?

Nice summary which I know could not have been the easiest thing for you to write. Let's just hope the rest of the guys can remained focus tonight and get another Win and then be thankful for another full week of practice before opening Big Ten play.
Storm, in your summary you failed to mention that he had disciplinary problems while in highschool, which has become an even bigger issue for him at Iowa. I personally would cut him loose as he has let his teammates and the program down for the second time in 2 years.
I didn't fail to put that in. I decided against it. The issues he had were early on in his HS career. He put those behind him his last few years at Tonka and on the AAU circuit. He had some problems as a 15 and 16 year old, but he grew up. There was no indication something like this was going to happen.

Edit - the reason I say this is because I know I sure wasn't the same guy as a sophomore in HS than I was as a college student.
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Nice article Spank. I feel for Tucker. I remember being a mess in college.. a lot. But when i was making poor decisions I was only letting down myself and my family. Tucker is letting down his teammates and coaches. Maybe the best thing for all parties involved is a cooling off period. Tucker can decide if he has a future at the University and Coach Lick can decide if he wants Tucker on the team. I just hope the team can move forward.
Spud Bud or whatever your name is....cooling off period are you insane! This kids obviously got a drinking problem as well as a problem with authority...especially when he's had too many barley pops. He' an idiot and barely a D-1 player. Time to say adios....heck we are only going to win 1 maybe 2 more games anyway. Free the scholarship up and MAYBE bring in a top notch bball player.


What's next, IDK. I heard AT plead not guilty. Now we wait and see, I don't believe anyone knows at this point.
Good read Stormin'. Always enjoy your level headed view of the state of the basketball program and your normally glass half to three/fourths full attitude. Keep it up. We'll be some of the ones sitting at the front of the class when all the band wagon jumpers come back in a few years when the program is back in the thick of the Big Ten race. And yes, I believe Coach Lick will still be at the helm when that occurs!!!
Good read Stormin'. Always enjoy your level headed view of the state of the basketball program and your normally glass half to three/fourths full attitude. Keep it up. We'll be some of the ones sitting at the front of the class when all the band wagon jumpers come back in a few years when the program is back in the thick of the Big Ten race. And yes, I believe Coach Lick will still be at the helm when that occurs!!!

Your glass is overflowing Lionhawk...
" Mistakes happen to people all the time."? Really? They "happen"? What, they are not actions/decisions made by individuals? It they "happen", then are individuals less or not responsible? Seems an odd concept to me.

Tucker has issues and he isnt remotely team centered. In less than a year he has let his team down three times ( and yes, he has let himself down too ). This is a negative to team morale, to team efficiency, and with his not guilty plea, he drags the team along for a long distraction. He needs to be released and given the chance to see what he obviously doesnt value. The will be opportunities to clean himself up and start over, it just shouldnt be at IOWA. The team requires everyone to be "all in", to allow him to stay sets a different standard for him versus the others, it sends a poor message, move on and find someone who really wants this opportunity.
" Mistakes happen to people all the time."? Really? They "happen"? What, they are not actions/decisions made by individuals? It they "happen", then are individuals less or not responsible? Seems an odd concept to me.

Tucker has issues and he isnt remotely team centered. In less than a year he has let his team down three times ( and yes, he has let himself down too ). This is a negative to team morale, to team efficiency, and with his not guilty plea, he drags the team along for a long distraction. He needs to be released and given the chance to see what he obviously doesnt value. The will be opportunities to clean himself up and start over, it just shouldnt be at IOWA. The team requires everyone to be "all in", to allow him to stay sets a different standard for him versus the others, it sends a poor message, move on and find someone who really wants this opportunity.

I think you are missing my point. I have yet to meet someone who is perfect, someone who is error free. Mistakes "happen", meaning people make mistakes. Semantics really here. However you phrase it, people are going to make mistakes.

My point was the biggest mistake you can make is not learning from the the ones you do make. That's the situation with Tuck.
Tucker has produced strike 3, see him to the door.

I view the grades issue and the drinking differently myself. Some kids are just going to struggle with grades in college (not just athletes). They might be taking too challenging of classes, they could be having time management issues with classes and basketball. Those things if a kids struggles, I don't think it is fair to just say that is one strike. Many students struggle in college. I personally didn't have to do much, but I had many friends who had to take a semester off to improve their grades, to get back in. Tucker didn't even need that, he just had to pull up his average.

Now the drinking and public intox, they are absolutely strikes against him.
Tucker has produced strike 3, see him to the door.
While I don't condone what he is done, I don't believe he is on strike 3.
The grade issues arose because of his illness and because of his first instance.

I'm not saying there's a right or wrong answer, but I think this would be technically viewed as his 2nd strike. If you feel two strikes are enough (and Lick may), he might be gone anyway. From what it sounded like, though, he is going to be given the opportunity to redeem himself again.
Three screw ups in one year, costs two lost seasons to the team, to himself, and is enough to pull the plug and move on. This team has BIG needs, use the ride for someone who is a better fit and wants to be here.
I didnt mention "perfection", I mentioned that mistakes are actions taken by an individual, not something that happens to an individual. It isnt semantics. The meanings arent equal.
I didnt mention "perfection", I mentioned that mistakes are actions taken by an individual, not something that happens to an individual. It isnt semantics. The meanings arent equal.

I know what mistakes are.
Again, my point was, he's made some. Everyone does. The worst thing you can do is not learn from them, he didn't.

Not sure what else there's to discuss on that front.
Agreed. Not learning is not good. Hopefully, as a young guy he has the time and the good sense to wake up and clean his act up and get along with it. Its too early to pi$$ is away.

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