Anthony Tucker to the Gophers?

Agreed. Not sure any Big Ten coach wants to take a risk on a player who has had trouble staying sober at two other schools, especially if that player has marginal Big Ten talent.
At the post game presser at The Barn, Sid Hartman said Trevor Mbakwe was the best player in the Big Ten and without him Minnesota wouldn't win a single game the rest of the year. I know he is just reporting what everyone else is reporting on Tucker, but I still laugh at that comment I heard this winter. During most of the games he "covers" (football, basketball, et al) he just sits in press row and reads the paper.
Tubby didn't want him after he won a state championship, I'm pretty sure Tucker hasn't improved his chances with the hometown Gophers, but who knows
I know, Sid is a living legend, but kind of a joke at the same time. I lived in Minneapolis for almost 10 years. Interesting guy though. Used to own the Lakers, and "close, personal friends" with guys like Knight and Steinbrenner. The dude is connected, but hardly a journalist.
He wouldn't be costing the Tubbs a schollie, so what would he care. First time he acts up he'd be out anyway. If he wants to walk on and try to work his *** off earn playing time, that couldn't hurt the team. If he's walking on, it's pretty low risk.
I think your wrong Herkeynerd. Letting Tucker even walk onto the team puts Tubbies judgement at risk in the court of public opinion. Since there is little chance of him getting any playing time, what is in it for Tubbie?
Gotta love Sid. What, 90 years old and still has a column in the paper and does radio shows. He, Maxie, Reusse and Dark Star are a classic on their cable TV show.

I think the gophers need bodies and Tubby is starting to see has seen his magic disappear. I knew someone who knew Tucker and his family well and he told me he was a great kid. Then after the first episode in Iowa City, he was shocked.
As reported by Sid Hartman, Tucker is considering walking on at Minnesota. (Vikings might want to nab McNabb |

Looks like Lickliter is finally proving his critics wrong. Turns out he could recruit Big Ten talent.

You can't get through one Sid Hartman column without a good laugh. This guy makes some of the craziest claims I've ever heard.

He once wrote that Asad Abdul Qaliq (sp?) was one of the best QBs in the country back in 2003.
Tucker lives in dreamworld. After being tossed from two teams for drinking problems he will hardly make Minny's team even IF he is allowed to walk on. He will never play and he will get tired of practicing and sitting with no hope of playing.

Thus, he will only start (if he has ever quit) drinking and partying again and he will get tossed from a third team. I would be highly surprised if Tubby ever allows this kid to get within 100 feet of the arena, unless he attends a game by buying a ticket.

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