Another Feather for Stanzi & KOK....

You're right about one thing, nobody else saw it the way you did. KOK is a brutal offensive play caller.

Michigan is one of the worst defenses in the country. We had 248 passing yards and 135 rushing yards. They average giving up 256 yards passing and 250 yards rushing per game. We got off to a big lead and he (KOK) pulled the chute on the offense and went conservative in the 4th quarter and nearly killed us.

I think KOK did a fine job Saturday. He's in his chess game and he's put together some great offenses which have put together some great drives. His game day calling may not be to your preference drive in and drive out, but his preparation appears pretty dang impressive.

Further, as pointed out 4th qtr had two scoring drives, and we had a short field most of the game because our Defense is better than those other teams they played, that were receiving KO's and starting deep after scoring drives by UM.
.... to put in their hat.

After watching the video, I noticed another feature about Stanzi & KOK that I guarantee no one saw on Saturday....


...Final Comment:

Chalk up the genius that is KOK and Stanzi for both recognizing this at the same time. Give credit to the pregame "scripting" of plays by the OC. I can almost guarantee this was something implemented earlier in the week because of UM tendencies defensively. Can you imagine what KOK can do with a Seasoned QB if somehow it was possible to have EACH year?

Nice post TX - good analysis - I like watching Tivo games that way (sometimes).
I completely understand the scripting of the first 10-15 plays or whatever the count is to read the defense and help setup calls for later in the game. But it was so obvious they were run blitzing of both ends the first two series that we should have checked off to a pass instead of waiting until 3rd and long. I know its the conservative nature of the KF and the offense, but it can still be frustrating. With the Defense I agree it was also very frustrating to watch the Michigan go down the field with relative ease passing the ball, again alot of underneath drop offs and a few breakdowns in pass coverage. You can bet these will be used against us coming down the rest of the schedule, I can't help but wonder if some of it is due to Norm being out but this is the same type of play calling that gives us trouble against Northwestern and Indiana when they move the ball, hope we can shore that part up.

With Wisconsin we matchup so much better against their style of offense.
You're right about one thing, nobody else saw it the way you did. KOK is a brutal offensive play caller.

Michigan is one of the worst defenses in the country. We had 248 passing yards and 135 rushing yards. They average giving up 256 yards passing and 250 yards rushing per game. We got off to a big lead and he (KOK) pulled the chute on the offense and went conservative in the 4th quarter and nearly killed us.

I think the play calling has been very good this season. Having one RB limits some of what we can do, as I thought there were several times in the second half where there was potential for a big run but Robinson was too gassed to break it.

I'm going to assume you didn't get to watch the game, perhaps you were too busy doing housework since you lost your housekeeper. Next week perhaps you should hire a new housekeeper so you can watch the game before you post.
I completely understand the scripting of the first 10-15 plays or whatever the count is to read the defense and help setup calls for later in the game. But it was so obvious they were run blitzing of both ends the first two series that we should have checked off to a pass instead of waiting until 3rd and long. I know its the conservative nature of the KF and the offense, but it can still be frustrating. With the Defense I agree it was also very frustrating to watch the Michigan go down the field with relative ease passing the ball, again alot of underneath drop offs and a few breakdowns in pass coverage. You can bet these will be used against us coming down the rest of the schedule, I can't help but wonder if some of it is due to Norm being out but this is the same type of play calling that gives us trouble against Northwestern and Indiana when they move the ball, hope we can shore that part up.

With Wisconsin we matchup so much better against their style of offense.

Watch the way we change our BLOCKING schemes and not necessarily the play calling after the scripted plays have run out. If you notice how we peeled back the TE (usually in motion ending up in the "FB" position) to block the backside run blitz. Typically they are lead blocking for the RB, but in this situation it called for him to peel back and block the backside blitz. These changes are happening but to the typical fan it goes unnoticed.
^you can see this style of blocking quite regularly at Oregon State with the Rogers' brothers. When james was healthy he would come in motion and either block the DE or the backside blitz for his brother Quizz.
Watch the way we change our BLOCKING schemes and not necessarily the play calling after the scripted plays have run out. If you notice how we peeled back the TE (usually in motion ending up in the "FB" position) to block the backside run blitz. Typically they are lead blocking for the RB, but in this situation it called for him to peel back and block the backside blitz. These changes are happening but to the typical fan it goes unnoticed.

I think another reason for the TE motion is to change the strength of the formation. So many defenses set their strength to the TE...we'll come out in a balanced set, so as to give nothing away, like this:



But then, we'll step F off the LOS, step X on the LOS, and motion F into a FB position (regardless of where, but for this play, let's say it's behind the LT). We've just reset the strength of the formation heavily to the left side. But then we'll run zone right...if the defense doesn't adjust with our motion, they probably blow this play up for a short gain or even a loss. But we'll come back to it, and instead run zone left, and if the defense once again fails to adjust, we've got excess bodies at the point of attack, especially if we leave the backside DE unblocked.
HawkfaninTX, and hawkfan2679 thanks for the breakdown and posts. This offense is so much more sophisticate than fans give it credit for. Keep em coming!!!! I for one appreciate an intelligent breakdown of the offense. Criticism is fine if you bring more than we "took our foot off the gas." Seriously WTF does that even mean??