another classy Hawkeye touch

Anybody see what's on the back of the golden dome fleck's helmets last night? Looks like a compass. Which would figure as I don't think they know which in the hell direction their going!

Did anyone else see the brief part during the Minnesota game where they showed the Custom oars that they had fans and students make that lined the hall for when the players take the field? It reminded me of a maritime children's museum.

Then we just had the roll-out of the Hawks new entrance to the field and I couldn't believe that a D 1 school would actually hang that crap. It was Fleck's idea to help get buy-in from the fans to row the boat. I actually laughed out loud and my kids asked what was so funny, so I called them in and they laughed.

If you need to have some kind of gimmick to get buy-in then there is a problem. I think the dancing gopher off Caddyshack would be waaaayy better than those stupids oars for buy in. It is going to be a lot of crap to take down once he loses his job and the rowing stops.