Andy Katz visits with Fran

Remember those who fought on the Hill 937, then forced to give it up after it was captured? Get the one who will fight your battle in B1G for Iowa, you don't want to fight B1G with 5-star players. The blue collar players would do just fine!
"who's turn is it to play defense?"

- Iowa Basketball 2017-18


LMAO!!!!!!! That was perfect.
Fran's biggest problem recruiting is he's too good at evaluating talent early. He keeps getting in early on players who end up getting too good and become too good for Iowa. I'm half joking here but I'm half serious too. It does seem to bite him a lot.

Lol this is ironically true. Fran has at least 6 times identified a stud as freshman in HS and that kid eventually became a top 40 player. He knows how to spot undeniable talent. I'm not sure if that is the hardest thing in the world, but he does it. The thing is Fran knows he has to jump on them early. Better programs don't have to sniff around so early. Sometimes with Fran's approach a kid just isn't going to respect your program the same, because you are like the "easy" girl.

The idea is fine put Fran has not taken the process to its end stage yet. The idea is to do the early work get in good with some 1 and done type and use them to catapult your program into national relevance. Then you can roll out a more traditional recruiting approach and piggy back the success to become a recruiting destination. I think most of us thought that is exactly what we were getting with Woody.

Fran hasn't sealed the deal yet with that program changer so he has to keep pounding the pavement looking for that guy.

We all need to hope that Joe W is that guy. I'm afraid if it's not an Iowa kid to elevate us then it seems less likely that we will ever get one from somewhere else.