Android UsersL HawkeyeNation App is HERE


OK...this is in beta right now...we would like your feedback on this app. So click on the link below to go to the download page

Once you install the app, check it will see all of our content in this app, including a section for a link to read the forums...right now, there is no reply to the forums, read only...we are working on that.

Let us know what you think, let us know if you see any issues, let us know any suggestions you might have. Please post all of your feedback IN THIS THREAD. If you start new threads related to app feedback, I will merge them into this thread.

iPhone users, it will take a couple weeks before this will be available to you, due to the approval process with apple.

Thanks for giving it a look and testing it out
Downloaded the HawkeyeNation app a couple days ago. Works great so far. No problems with downloading or using the app at all. Nice to have HawkeyeNation whereever I go!
Maybe I'm missing something but I can't go to the next pages on forums nor can I get to more than about 10 forums...

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