And now....

(in the voice of the Chicago Bulls introduction announcer... cut the lights, spotlight swirling around... cue that synthesizer music...) From Iowa.... #10....

B.J. Armstrong!!!!!

My good friends and fellow Hawkeyes--

B.J. is on the front page of both Hawkeye Report and Hawkeye Insider.

Murray State? Wright State? 14-17 Utah?

I am telling you--

B.J. head coach at 1.2, Forbes as Associate Head Coach and Recruiting Coordinator at 800,000 ( a big raise from his current deal, I imagine).

This would be exciting and fun. We have NOTHING to lose.

This would sell out Carver. Fans will get behind B.J. in a major way.

Go Hawks and do this deal, Barta.
I don't have a problem with it at all. I sure would like to see Gillispie or someone with more experience running the show but I'd take that combination. BJ has connections and can recruit; Forbes has connections and can recruit.
Why in the world would Forbes come here to be an assistant? That will never, ever happen.

To possibly get the head job when someone retires? Oh, and the head coach is younger then he is! If the head coach did turn it around and have a successful program why would he step down to give Forbes the job? Just to be nice cause he wants it?
An honest question here as I havent followed BJ's recent career, what coaching and what recruiting as he done?
Would love this combination of BJ and Forbes as associate head coach. Is this a realistic possibility?? WOuld Forbes leave Tenn for another assisstant job? This would be a great PR move and bring fans back to CHA IMO. Do it Barta.
This I don't understand...Ik BJ has all the name recognition but come on people let's get someone who has at least been in SOME coaching role...

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