And in come the vultures.


Well-Known Member
I hate seeing our guys being courted by other big ten teams. I know thats the nature of the beast but its killing me reading about Larson and IU and Brust going to Wi..... It wouldn't hurt as much if we had some news of kids thinking of coming to Iowa.

I sure hope we get our assistants hired and a couple of late signees. I could use some encouraging news.
I hate seeing our guys being courted by other big ten teams. I know thats the nature of the beast but its killing me reading about Larson and IU and Brust going to Wi..... It wouldn't hurt as much if we had some news of kids thinking of coming to Iowa.

I sure hope we get our assistants hired and a couple of late signees. I could use some encouraging news.
I have no problem with them going to other BT schools that just shows these two guys werent that bad of targets.
They are vultures but if other B10 teams were in such sorry shape and bleeding recruits we'd be doing the same thing.

And should.

Hopefully we'll get to that point one day with Coach Fran.
It will bother me a great deal if either Cody or Ben go to a Big 10 team other than Iowa. I don't see how they could. I still think we get Ben.
At least we can keep track of them

I am not worried dont think that they will really be all that great.

We just need to worry about getting some athletes on our own team
At least we can keep track of them

I am not worried dont think that they will really be all that great.

We just need to worry about getting some athletes on our own team

Can you stop with the sour grapes routine? If these guys are being considered by schools like Wisconsin and Florida, I think they're probably pretty good players, certainly good enough to help us out.
It will bother me a great deal if either Cody or Ben go to a Big 10 team other than Iowa. I don't see how they could.

Are you kidding? They don't give a rat's behind about Iowa or competing against Iowa, the school they so often said they looked forward to building back to respectability.
It's pretty obvious Brust and Larson don't care much about what Marble and McCabe think. Me me me me m me.

Yeah, pardon them for wanting to make the best choice when it comes to the biggest decision of their lives. If that's not us then screw them!

Jesus, our fans are downright pathetic. We're talking about a BASKETBALL PROGRAM!!! These guys have their own lives, and need to decide what's best for THEM!
Yeah, pardon them for wanting to make the best choice when it comes to the biggest decision of their lives. If that's not us then screw them!

Jesus, our fans are downright pathetic. We're talking about a BASKETBALL PROGRAM!!! These guys have their own lives, and need to decide what's best for THEM!

I'm not saying they should do otherwise, but it's fair to say that if that's their standard--and I believe it is--they really don't have a concern for Iowa basketball.

Lip service, past or present, does not amount to a concern for the program beyond what they think it can do for them.

Not wrong, just reality. And in the context of that reality, Iowa fans also owe them nothing.
I'm not saying they should do otherwise, but it's fair to say that if that's their standard--and I believe it is--they really don't have a concern for Iowa basketball.

Lip service, past or present, does not amount to a concern for the program beyond what they think it can do for them.

Not wrong, just reality. And in the context of that reality, Iowa fans also owe them nothing.

When they committed to Lickliter's program, they felt they were making the best decision for them. But now that we have a new coach, obviously that's going to throw a wrench into things. They may still find that this is the place for them to be. But nobody chooses a school that they don't feel is the right choice.

If I had those kinds of talents, I would come to Iowa, no question. But that's because 1. I'm a born and bred Hawkeye, named after Tork Hook, a hometown hero, and 2. Iowa's journalism program is one of the best, and therefore it was best for me to come here.

If Iowa didn't have a good journalism program, I probably wouldn't have come, even if I were offered a scholarship.

Iowa fans do owe them the courtesy of understanding that we would do exactly the same thing if we were in their shoes (out of state, no ties to the program in any way).
Iowa fans do owe them the courtesy of understanding that we would do exactly the same thing if we were in their shoes (out of state, no ties to the program in any way).

I think you assume too much when you assert that everyone would do exactly what these kids are doing were we in their shoes. Different people have different values.

However, I do agree we should be courteous to these kids--but I don't believe offering honest and even blunt opinions (in a reasonably respectful manner) about their choices here is discourteous. Accountability is part of life, even for a young man.
I think you assume too much when you assert that everyone would do exactly what these kids are doing were we in their shoes. Different people have different values.

However, I do agree we should be courteous to these kids--but I don't believe offering honest and even blunt opinions (in a reasonably respectful manner) about their choices here is discourteous. Accountability is part of life, even for a young man.

Anybody who thinks objectively would do the same. You or I wouldn't decommit from Iowa, but we're also die-hard fans. Brust and Larson were coming to play basketball, and neither had any kind of ties with the university. They are out of state, and weren't raised to be Hawkeyes like we were.

I'm not saying they aren't still coming. But anybody who's smart and objective would want to weigh their options when something as big as a coaching change occurs. And legally they can't talk to other schools without their release.

So again, Larson and Brust are doing what a reasonable person would do if they were in their situation. And I don't like how so many people see the need to insult them for being human beings (who by the way tend to be egocentrical, and look out for #1 first).
You are the king of cryptic statements lately. :) I'd be much more interested in your reasons for disagreeing than in the mere fact of your disagreement.

I really don't want to get into it, but the issue I have with it so many people assume the recruits are out to get bigger and better things. Maybe some of this is true, maybe partly true, maybe it's the case with one recruit and not the other.

The fact that a guy like Ben Brust re-opened his recruitment speaks volumes about the initial contact by our new staff. Ben was hard-core Hawkeye. Fran needed to be able to get him committed to Iowa with his visit, but wasn't able to. Does some of that sit on the Brust camp? Sure. But a lot of it sits on our own coach's shoulders, as well.

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