An example of posts that are being removed


Here is an example of a post I just deleted.. I have redacted the specifically cited players and the town.

"Wouldn't surprise me about X and Y....they've been seen (TOWN) hanging with a dude who likes to hit the nose candy."

This sort of posting will not be allowed. There are several posts like this that I am removing as I see them. So for those that are saying I am too heavy handed, etc, most of you are not seeing some of the garbage that I am removing instantly. And stuff like this is pure garbage. You want this sort of stuff on a message board devoted to the discussion of Iowa Hawkeye Athletics?

If the answer is yes, then it's probably time for you to find a new site to visit.
Here is an example of a post I just deleted.. I have redacted the specifically cited players and the town.

"Wouldn't surprise me about X and Y....they've been seen (TOWN) hanging with a dude who likes to hit the nose candy."

This sort of posting will not be allowed. There are several posts like this that I am removing as I see them. So for those that are saying I am too heavy handed, etc, most of you are not seeing some of the garbage that I am removing instantly. And stuff like this is pure garbage. You want this sort of stuff on a message board devoted to the discussion of Iowa Hawkeye Athletics?

If the answer is yes, then it's probably time for you to find a new site to visit.

Whoa Nelly.

That's borderline defamation.
It's sad that you have to spend your day deleting posts from "adults" who don't realize the difference between print and chatting with the boys.
Here is an example of a post I just deleted.. I have redacted the specifically cited players and the town.

"Wouldn't surprise me about X and Y....they've been seen (TOWN) hanging with a dude who likes to hit the nose candy."

This sort of posting will not be allowed. There are several posts like this that I am removing as I see them. So for those that are saying I am too heavy handed, etc, most of you are not seeing some of the garbage that I am removing instantly. And stuff like this is pure garbage. You want this sort of stuff on a message board devoted to the discussion of Iowa Hawkeye Athletics?

If the answer is yes, then it's probably time for you to find a new site to visit.

Whoever these X and Y dudes are, they need to be kicked off the team. They are a bad influence on their teammates, A and B, and horrible role models for my child, LMNOP.
The thing about it is all of this outrage at not allowing certain posts, the vast majority of the posts I am removing are similar to.this. I don't like deleting posts. But these posts have to go. And this person was banned for a week. Had nearly 800 posts.

Please keep that in mind.
Whoever these X and Y dudes are, they need to be kicked off the team. They are a bad influence on their teammates, A and B, and horrible role models for my child, LMNOP.

OK if X and Y have to go I get it but I sure hope Z doesn't cause thats
my favorite pass route!! :)
Here is an example of a post I just deleted.. I have redacted the specifically cited players and the town.

"Wouldn't surprise me about X and Y....they've been seen (TOWN) hanging with a dude who likes to hit the nose candy."

This sort of posting will not be allowed. There are several posts like this that I am removing as I see them. So for those that are saying I am too heavy handed, etc, most of you are not seeing some of the garbage that I am removing instantly. And stuff like this is pure garbage. You want this sort of stuff on a message board devoted to the discussion of Iowa Hawkeye Athletics?

If the answer is yes, then it's probably time for you to find a new site to visit.

Jon, I applaud you for doing this and giving an explanation. Anyone who does not understand why this needs to be done should move on to a different site.
I am sorry that you need to spend so much time doing police work instead of gathering REAL data to share with us.
Keep up the good work!
Can we remove the Big Ten division name threads/posts until the Big Ten changes them to something tolerable?

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