An attempt at Optimism Moving Forward


Well-Known Member
Look, I am mad too, and the national joke Brian Ferentz and offense have become is beyond pissing me off. But, hear me out.

We have mostly played to the competition. We are pretty much what I thought we would be. We handled two home cupcakes with relative ease, and beat a not completely terrible ISU bunch on the road without too much heartburn. We shit the bed against PSU. If All doesn't fumble and if the gunner pulled his head out of his ass maybe we go into the locker room tied 3-3 and PSU plays tight in the second half. But, a win was always highly unlikely. None of us were predicting a win against PSU, who looks like a playoff contender, and if we play that game 10 times we lose it 9.

Moving forward, MSU and Rutgers at home should be winnable. The West is a stinky pile of garbage on fire. Even with BF's offense just being what they have shown to date, we will still be favored in every game except Wisconsin. 10 wins and a West title remain squarely on the table, even after such a humbling defeat. Things could still go sideways on the Hawks, but a nice slice of humble pie for the O and the D maybe leads to more focused efforts moving forward. No one is getting fired and nothing is going to change in the next 10 weeks, so I am just going to be optimistic until there is no reason to be optimistic.
I get it.
I played this game all last year.

I don't fault at all, anyone who does. That's solid fandom.

If it happens, great. I'll probably pay closer attention. But, at this point, that's the outlier. The default is to not pay too much attention.

A famous man once said...
“There's an old saying in Tennessee — I know it's in Texas, probably in Tennessee — that says, fool me once, shame on — shame on you. Fool me — you can't get fooled again.”
Anything not 10-2 is a dissappointment for me this season but I'm not wanting people fired at Iowa for going 8-4 or 9-3 because historically, that's a pretty good record for the program.
I have half way expected Kirk to announce his retirement sometime before January 1st. Not sure if that is realistic. I just can't imagine more of the status quo
Coaches are usually the last to know when it is time to go out to pasture. KF has not struck me as preparing to retire. He still comes across as hungry and loving his job. Even if he goes 8-4, which would be very disappointing, Beth is not going to fire him in favor of a coach who can "take us to the next level." Or least she won't if she has studied Nebraska's last two decades. That said, she could force Brian out and who knows how KF could take that.

I just think all of this is premature. KF has a long history of unloading an early season stink bomb and then going on a run against shit competition. He has made a career of it. Likewise, he could lose the team and the season could go sideways. 3-1 is EXACTLY where I thought we would be right now, so i will let this play out a bit more before grabbing my pitchfork. A loss to MSU and I will have pitch fork in hand....
I have half way expected Kirk to announce his retirement sometime before January 1st. Not sure if that is realistic. I just can't imagine more of the status quo

I can both see it.
And not see it.

I don't welcome it, if he does.
But I would also welcome it.

He doesn't have to go. He's capable of productively squeezing out a few more years.
But, with the landscape radically changing? And it'd have to be a clean break, because he has to know his son's got no chance of ascending. So, he'd have to dump him and bring in a new acolyte and give that acolyte some breathing room. I don't see him either dumping his son, or giving anyone the elbow room. So, clean break. It's only going to get harder to even go out on a high-ish note. You'd think he'd be smart enough to see it like we do.
I get it.
I played this game all last year.

I don't fault at all, anyone who does. That's solid fandom.

If it happens, great. I'll probably pay closer attention. But, at this point, that's the outlier. The default is to not pay too much attention.

A famous man once said...
“There's an old saying in Tennessee — I know it's in Texas, probably in Tennessee — that says, fool me once, shame on — shame on you. Fool me — you can't get fooled again.”
I watch that clip of Bush once a year. Makes me chuckle every time.
I have half way expected Kirk to announce his retirement sometime before January 1st. Not sure if that is realistic. I just can't imagine more of the status quo
I could see that.....he may not want to have to try to compete with all the West Coast newcomers....and all the NIL stuff.....and his son's issues.
I don't think Brian is going to be matter how bad he does. The contract was made under Barta....I bet Beth rips it up and issues him a new one. Also very likely they will pick up at least 8 he is not going anywhere.

Unless.....the old man decides to retire. Then all bets are on the table.
Let’s please set two positions held by some HN posters aside. First, KF is in no way satisfied with his teams unless they win. Period. Secondly, our interim AD is simply in no position to impact the football program at this time, unless, of course, she is given a direct order by the President.
From all accounts, Beth is not Barta.

Yes, Iowa probably gets to 8 wins and that is ok on the surface, but if the offense shows absolutely no progress as the year goes along, she has to intervene. There is a reason that when Brian was hired they required that he report to the AD. His father has a blind spot. The AD must do her job, even if that risks alienating a living legend.

The old saying that you have to let the chef choose ingredients has its limits. If the famous chef keeps putting onions in the frosting, you remove the onions from the kitchen.....

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