Ames High more exciting than HAWKS


Sorry to say but watching Ames HIGH SCHOOL is WAY more exciting than watching the Iowa Men's Basketball team.

I think I have already seen more lobs and dunks in one-and-a-half quarters of play in this high school game.
Sorry to say but watching Ames HIGH SCHOOL is WAY more exciting than watching the Iowa Men's Basketball team.

I think I have already seen more lobs and dunks in one-and-a-half quarters of play in this high school game.

All those lobs have come from the other team. 85% of the Ames points have been by layups, except for 2 Barnes easy dunks. They are really good for a HS team but not even as exciting as the team that they are putting it to.
Oh please! Just like Alabama would beat the Detroit Lions. Come on! Can we put this silly notion to bed? Iowa would beat Ames in a name the score. That's not taking away anything from Ames as they are a great high school team, but Jared Cole would have a field day inside against them. I'm embarrassed i'm even allowing myself to get dragged into this discussion.
Oh please! Just like Alabama would beat the Detroit Lions. Come on! Can we put this silly notion to bed? Iowa would beat Ames in a name the score. That's not taking away anything from Ames as they are a great high school team, but Jared Cole would have a field day inside against them. I'm embarrassed i'm even allowing myself to get dragged into this discussion.

Have you seen Iowa play????!!! Ames would beat Iowa! Barnes and McDermot are just as tall as Cole...and Cole is our TALLEST player!!! Ames would outrun Iowa. I could see a 70-55 game in favor of Ames. More people were at this game than any Iowa game. Just depressing.
All those lobs have come from the other team. 85% of the Ames points have been by layups, except for 2 Barnes easy dunks. They are really good for a HS team but not even as exciting as the team that they are putting it to.

So, what's your point, other than to put down the Iowa basketball team?

Folks need to back off and give Lickliter and his team a chance to grow and mature. Most of the players are freshmen and sophomores who will still be playing for the Hawks in two years.

It hasn't helped that Lickliter missed about 3 weeks with the team recovering from a life threatening health condition.
Some of you have no clue the different level between high school and college. Barnes and McDermott are good, but McDermott would struggle inside against Cole and Cougill. Iowa would play 100 times better defense than Waukegan. Ames is good, but no way they could compete with the Hawks.....No Way!!!
So, what's your point, other than to put down the Iowa basketball team?

Folks need to back off and give Lickliter and his team a chance to grow and mature. Most of the players are freshmen and sophomores who will still be playing for the Hawks in two years.

It hasn't helped that Lickliter missed about 3 weeks with the team recovering from a life threatening health condition.

I was defending Iowa, saying they are not more exciting. The Waukegan team was the one doing the lobs, etc, so I don't know what his argument was by saying that Ames High was more exciting to watch than Iowa.

And for you people thinking Ames would beat Iowa, it was funny for a day or two just to think about but now it's just getting stupid. There is so much difference between the two levels of play it's not even funny. Ames has 2 college basketball players on their team, nobody else will play above d3 if that.

After Barnes and McDermott, the guys on their team are no better than Lickliter and Neari and guys like that, and I know how everyone likes to rag on them, so give it a rest.
The Ames beats Iowa opinions might actually be the dumbest I have seen on a message board, if they are really believed, in my 11 years on them....or unless you are 10...because I believed that stuff when I was 10
Sorry to say but watching Ames HIGH SCHOOL is WAY more exciting than watching the Iowa Men's Basketball team.

I think I have already seen more lobs and dunks in one-and-a-half quarters of play in this high school game.

Post like this deserve to be deleted. They are demeaning to the BBall team.
The Ames beats Iowa opinions might actually be the dumbest I have seen on a message board, if they are really believed, in my 11 years on them....or unless you are 10...because I believed that stuff when I was 10

I would have to agree(although I don't think I would have believed this when I was 10). And that's saying something because I have seen a lot of stupid comments on message boards over the years. But the "Ames beats Iowa" opinion takes the cake. To make a comment like that, you either have to be trolling...or simply have no basketball knowledge at all.

I am the guy who started this post. My point was - and I have to concede that it was Waukegean (sp) that did most of the lobbing - that I enjoyed watching Ames play MORE than I have enjoyed watching any Iowa basketball game this year. That is when I can find a game on TV that I can actually watch.

I am a fan of Iowa basketball, and I am a fan of basketball in general.

And it bothers me when I can get a little thrill from watching an Ames High team and no thrill from my very own Hawkeyes. That is not a knock on Iowa per se, but a commentary on the state of the program. I am not the only one who feels this way out there.

And I in no way suggest Ames High would beat Iowa. That is silly. But the fact I have more fun watching Ames High is not - which concerns me.
The Ames beats Iowa opinions might actually be the dumbest I have seen on a message board, if they are really believed, in my 11 years on them....or unless you are 10...because I believed that stuff when I was 10

+1000. It actually does give me good reason to disregard everything they ever post again, as I now can tell just how little knowledge they have.
I will say it again. Who are these guys that post on this board now? Junior high kids? If you think Iowa would lose to Ames High, you are the dumbest sports fan in Iowa. You have no clue what it takes to be a bb player in college. The level of athletics is so much higher. Go back to reading you facebook, and stay off this board.
Do you honestly believe that because Lick was gone for 2 weeks that it would have made a difference to this team? In what manner would it have made a difference?

Would they have beaten either UNI or Would they have been beaten just as badly...yes?

Would they beat Ames High School...yes. Would they beat one of the top high school teams in the country? Now that is a different story...
Have you seen Iowa play????!!! Ames would beat Iowa! Barnes and McDermot are just as tall as Cole...and Cole is our TALLEST player!!! Ames would outrun Iowa. I could see a 70-55 game in favor of Ames. More people were at this game than any Iowa game. Just depressing.

Ever hear of Cougill? Maybe you should watch more Iowa basketball before trying to say Ames High would beat Iowa.

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