Am I the only one that HATES the draft setup now?


Well-Known Member
They ruined the "event" factor of the NFL draft. Just when it felt like it should really get going, it stops and you have to wait til the next day.
I've always valued my time too much to watch it. I wouldn't be willing to sit there and wait while the time elapsed between each pick. Rather read about it later.
I really liked the Saturday/Sunday draft. Particularly when they cut the 1st round clock from 15 to 10 minutes. 1st rounds used to drag. Now they go by pretty quick.

You used the word "event". It used to feel like an event, all day type thing. Now its so spread out, I'm not even sure what time it starts tonight and then again tomorrow.
I actually like it now. With kids there is no way I could sit around all day Sat and Sunday watching it.
yeah that plus the whole "capture the pick by who's on their cell phone" thing making the announcement anticlimatic.

Absolutely spot on here. When there were only a 3-5 guys back stage it wasn't too bad. It only happened with them. Now there's 20+ guys back there and countless cameras in homes across the country.
I actually like it now. With kids there is no way I could sit around all day Sat and Sunday watching it.

I have kids too, but that is why god invented video games. ;) It's just for one day, because Sunday you turn it on but don't really pay close attention, so they can manage.

To me it would be like the NCAA tournament stretching round one to a whole week instead of two days so they could have all prime time games.
The whole thing is a made for TV Event. When the camera shows the player talking on the phone....who are they talking to and what could they be talking about??? I can understand maybe a call from the GM, owner or coach but gee whiz, gotta talk to the equipment manager and the lunch lady too? That and the constant analysis makes it all unbearable.
Anybody see the group with the Prince from Nebraska? Wow.
The whole thing is a made for TV Event. When the camera shows the player talking on the phone....who are they talking to and what could they be talking about??? I can understand maybe a call from the GM, owner or coach but gee whiz, gotta talk to the equipment manager and the lunch lady too? That and the constant analysis makes it all unbearable.
Anybody see the group with the Prince from Nebraska? Wow.

"Coming to America."
I hate the new format as well. It was the perfect weekend event. Get up watch the first round, go to the garage and grab a beer, go back inside catch up for 5 min, go back to garage grab another beer and tinker with the lawn mower, go back inside and catch up for 5 min, go back to garage grab another beer hit some golf balls into the net, go back inside catch up for 5 min, go back to garage grab another beer and turn on the Cubs game, go back inside and catch up for 5 min, go back to garage grab another beer turn off Cubs game because they are down 7-0 in the top of the first and mow the lawn, go back inside catch up for 5 minutes, go back to garage grab another beer and hose down the mower.....

It was literally perfect.
I don't really care, because I don't watch at all after the first three rounds, and even then I don't pay close attention. I don't watch at all if there isn't a Hawk expected to go in the first three rounds.

Plus, I think the format is more beneficial for the teams. Like Jon said a few days ago in regards to Stanzi, teams have a night to sleep on who they're going to pick the next day. Not quite as rushed in their decision-making.
yeah that plus the whole "capture the pick by who's on their cell phone" thing making the announcement anticlimatic.

This X1000

Also, wait till Berman does the WWWWHHHHHHHHOOOOOOOOOOOOPPPPPPPPP!!!! crap. It's coming.


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