Alvarez: UW and Iowa to go separate ways

This is exactly what I was talking about this morning...I smell a foul stench from the east in Iowa in the same division with PSU and OSU
Nebraska will poop a corn husk if they aren't in the same division as Iowa. That is what their fanbase wants more than anything and it would be an instant slap in the face to your newest league member.
I sure wouldn't trust Alvarez with a hidden family secret, that's for sure!

It's almost like he wants to be the first one to talk to the media/public for the sole fact that he can be the 1st one! I've always respected him because of his time spent at Iowa but this guy is kinda becoming a punk in his older age. Now I see where Bielema gets it from. Brash, cocky, & arrogant....all the better when it blows up in their face.

(And I'm probably a little riled up knowing that Iowa may have to go East. Wondering how much pull Barta has in these discussions...being one of the new guys and all?)
Jon, quick question, using the logic from this morning, then the Hawk-nebbie game would be the protected rival, correct?

They have to play this game...every year, right?
I would bet on this:




Ohio State
Penn State

Based on that pairing in order of competitiveness:

Michigan State





I'm not a fan of Iowa going east....but...doesn't Iowa do a lot of East region recruiting? And if so, would being the eastern conference enhance Iowa's recruiting profile in that area...just sayin', it might not be all bad.
My question is where is Barta in all of this?

First goal should have been to play all of our border rivals each season. Well this isn't going to happen.

So now that Alvarez is close with Delaney, Wisconsin will get to play most of their rivals and we get to screw the pooch with the eastern schools.

Not good at all.
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Jon, quick question, using the logic from this morning, then the Hawk-nebbie game would be the protected rival, correct?

They have to play this game...every year, right?

No way.

I want to play Nebraska every year, but I dont want to play Nebraska, Ohio State and Penn State every year. It would have to be Minnesota and likely would be
So is this official or is there a chance it could change? Because this sucks!! Every rival of Iowa is in the West. Iowa belongs in the West. We deserve to play Minnesota and Wisconsin and Nebraska every single year. How can things have gotten this bad WITHIN the conference? What happened to common sense??
This is exactly what I was talking about this morning...I smell a foul stench from the east in Iowa in the same division with PSU and OSU

For that to happen, either OSU would have to be in the West, or Iowa would have to be in the East.

Neither of those scenarios make sense.
My question is where is Barta in all of this?

First goal should have been to play all of our border rivals each season. Well this isn't going to happen.

So now that Alvarez is close with Delaney, Wisconsin will get to play most of their rivals and we get to screw the pooch with the eastern schools.

Not good at all.

Barta doesn't have much input into how the divisions shake out. Sure, he can give his input just like the other 10 AD's can, but in the end, approval is up to the President's of each school.
As I stated this morning Alvarez has cozied up with Delaney.

It all started when Bielema tweeted (and then publically proclaimed at the B10 media days)
that Wiscy vs Neb would be a great & natural season ending rivalry.

People then assumed (and I think they were spot on) that Bielema's pleading was prompted by Alverez's direct prompting.

This is definitely being worked from the inside by Alverez.

Kirk has said (@ B10 media day) that he did not really have any preference for where we end up in divisional line ups.

And Barta has been seemingly absent on preference also.

I see Iowa going east and Wisconsin heading west. I don't like it at all.
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As I stated this morning Alvarez has cozied up with Delaney.

It all started when Bielema tweeted (and then publically proclaimed at the B10 media days)
that Wiscy vs Neb would be a great & natural season ending rivalry.

People then assumed (and I think they were spot on) that Bielema's pleading was prompted by Alverez's direct prompting.

This is definitely being worked from the inside by Alverez.

Kirk has said (@ B10 media day) that he did not really have any preference for where we end up in divisional line ups.

And Barta has been seemingly absent on preference also.

I see Iowa going West and Wisconsin coming East. I don't like it at all.

What would be wrong with Wisconsin going to the East? Presumably, such a move would bring Michigan to the West, and even though I'm not a big fan of splitting up Michigan and OSU, on a certain level it does make sense.
Taking Iowa out of the equation. I know we are all freaked and it is hard to do, but please try.

Which do you think is the sexier division OSU / PSU, or Nebby / UM?
PSU, tOSU, IA & WISC, MICH, NEB would make so many people upset, I can't believe the Big Ten would want to anger so many fan bases at once with that move. I think Iowa goes West with MICH and NEB. They'll make the right choice.
I screwed up shadas

I meant Wiscy going west and iowa heading east.

will edit now

thanks for catching that

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