Tennessee fans who gave the points

Enjoying their winnings

Better leave Garza on the bench. We don't want him to foul out in a game that we are down 23
But seriously. Tennessee is legit. Minus Cook being complete garbage still happy with what rest of the team is trying to do.

If Cook was getting to the line and hitting freethrows like in November/Dec this wouldn't be such a beat down.

Proud of the season they had. But I really do hope Cook decides to go euro. He's been too selfish. He hasn't tried to do anything to make up for his offense woes. Defense blah, rebounding blah, chewing gum... Wait what Christ what. Thanks for that games when you did have some offense but it's time to go.

Fran needed to real him in and get the ball out of his hands or send him to bench. Idc if he's a junior you can't just let that stuff fly.
Pretty safe bet TCook isn’t going pro anywhere next year.
I hope he does and the next 6’8 guy built like a brick shit house we recruit realizes his strengths are rebounding and playing D. Cook has these delusions he is a LaBron type player, minus the jumpshot, hands, and balls. Ohh and handles, poise, and rebounding skill as well. We need him at Iowa to play inside. If he doesn’t want to do that then leave.