All things considered, did we go from one end of the extreme with Lick to Fran?

I wonder what the narrative will be if Joe T comes in, is a "true" PG, can break down the defense and guard on the defensive end and struggles continue? What will be the go to theme then?
If you've watched Iowa basketball even casually during FM's tenure, and especially over the last 2 years, there is no way you can deny that Iowa lacks a true PG who can get Iowa into their offense as well as stop dribble penetration from the top of the key. It's not the fault of any of the players who play that position currently. They aren't true PG's. They lack the lateral quickness that it takes in today's game.

Iowa's PG deficiency is more than a "narrative." Ask any of the last 4 teams who've beat Iowa by pressuring the hell out it's guards and beating them off the dribble consistently.

Hire someone to get us to the tournament consistently, make a Sweet 16 or better here and there, and I'll be plenty satisfied. I'll wager most others would be, too. A Final Four? I wish.

There are those who will try to shout down those who think the program should be in a better place than it's been the past 20 years. Sorry, but posts like this come off as pretty bitchy, too.
Not bitchy. Just a prediction. Because it’s been this way for 5 straight coaches. The next guy will be better than Raveling, Davis, Alford Lickliter and now Fran. I was that guy for Raveling, Alford and Lickliter...not Davis. I learned my lesson. Complain all you want. It’s allowed.

Side Note - Don’t bother with an insincere sorry before saying something negative. Just say it. I can handle it. Promise.
Not true.

The problem with Fran is that there is no real "capital" built up by him.

He hasn't won a regular season or conference title....hell, he hardly makes it past the first day.

He hasn't made a Sweet 16.

He hasn't landed McDonald's All American in recruiting.

Other than getting us back to, essentially, the Alford years, he hasn't accomplished much at all.

Until then, yeah, he's going to take some heat.
See my last post in this thread.
I wonder what Todd Lickliter is thinking now.

I wonder IF Todd Lickliter is thinking anything at all. The man he succeeded continued a career of over-promising and under-delivering at his next two stops. The man who succeeded him has made a career of building promise then self-crumbling it. WTH would ANYone think in his situation?
If you've watched Iowa basketball even casually during FM's tenure, and especially over the last 2 years, there is no way you can deny that Iowa lacks a true PG who can get Iowa into their offense as well as stop dribble penetration from the top of the key. It's not the fault of any of the players who play that position currently. They aren't true PG's. They lack the lateral quickness that it takes in today's game.

Iowa's PG deficiency is more than a "narrative." Ask any of the last 4 teams who've beat Iowa by pressuring the hell out it's guards and beating them off the dribble consistently.

We definitely need someone that can break down the defense and get their own shot. That doesn't have to come from the PG spot only. Let's assume Joe T is the starter next year at PG. Is JBo the backup or is he the starting SG?