All of you flight stalkers...


Well-Known Member
YOU HAVE WORK TO DO! Here is the link to his twitter...

Brendan Stiles (thebstiles) on Twitter


So I just got off my plane from Atlanta, and sure enough, Gary Barta & Fred Mims are both in the QC Airport sitting at a table talking.


Just so we're clear, I have no idea what they were talking about. I just saw them sitting as I walked by on my way to the baggage claim.


But I can say this: Where I saw them was beyond the security point, meaning they are definitely flying somewhere.
he covers Iowa football and basketball for the Daily Iowan and yet he did not even approach them and say "hi"?
They are flying to California to watch the women play Stanford. This isn't a secret, and has nothing to do with the coaching search (at least not directly). Non-story.
They are flying to California to watch the women play Stanford. This isn't a secret, and has nothing to do with the coaching search (at least not directly). Non-story.

Sure they are. Let's take two of the people on the "search committee" and fly them to Stanford to watch a non-revenue creating sport just so they can show support. That to me doesn't even make sense when we aren't looking for a coach. Now that we are looking for a coach in one of the two revenue creating sports at the UofI, I would think that their time could, should and would need to be directed in another fashion. Don't you?
Sure they are. Let's take two of the people on the "search committee" and fly them to Stanford to watch a non-revenue creating sport just so they can show support. That to me doesn't even make sense when we aren't looking for a coach. Now that we are looking for a coach in one of the two revenue creating sports at the UofI, I would think that their time could, should and would need to be directed in another fashion. Don't you?

I think that this may be a first. I agree with you! :)
Sure they are. Let's take two of the people on the "search committee" and fly them to Stanford to watch a non-revenue creating sport just so they can show support. That to me doesn't even make sense when we aren't looking for a coach. Now that we are looking for a coach in one of the two revenue creating sports at the UofI, I would think that their time could, should and would need to be directed in another fashion. Don't you?
If only there was a way they could remain in contact with other members of their search committee while gone. Perhaps like a traveling phone or something crazy like that.
Poster on TOS claims their flight is going to Atlanta. Not sure that it would end there, but I don't think they'd have a connecting flight in Atlanta if flying to Cali.
If only there was a way they could remain in contact with other members of their search committee while gone. Perhaps like a traveling phone or something crazy like that.

Really? Because million dollar deals are brokered over cell phone static and a few thousand miles....Enjoy college but please stay in a few more years and leave the real world to the rest of us.
So... is the search firm finished and we're having direct contact with candidates now? Not saying it isn't possible, just doesn't fit the timeline that most have been kicking around. Then again... this, along with the timeline and everything else we've seen in the last week, is nothing more than speculation. Any connecting flights to Knoxville via Atlanta?
Really? Because million dollar deals are brokered over cell phone static and a few thousand miles....Enjoy college but please stay in a few more years and leave the real world to the rest of us.
No deals are likely to get done in the next few days as it is, and I guarantee a lot of the work is being done over the phone. Furthermore, I am not in college and haven't been for many years, but thanks for the attempt at a personal attack?
Never mind Hawkeye12345 most of us take what he says with a grain of salt.

But what is this travelling phone that you speak of. How long are those curly cords that attatche them to the wall and what peice of amazing technology was invetned to keep them from getting all twisted up?
[ame=""]YouTube- Gary Allan - Watching Airplanes[/ame]