All in All - It boils down to our offense and offensive scheme.

yes, we have hired a new offensive coordinator and our passing scheme is different....what is the point in resurrecting threads from years ago? Bored?
You want to know the difference between Iowa and Wisky. Wisky will let their offense go and that gives them more scoring drives,and keeps their defense off the field. They will run a two minute drill instead of sitting on it just in case. Games are your best practice but we constantly say thats enough lets run out the clock. We cant do anything when it counts because we are to scared to do it right before the half.

Look at you......bad mouthing the offense.
Whoa man. Flashbacks. When I saw the title of this thread the first thing that popped into my head was "There's an offensive scheme?" Then I saw it was an old thread and wanted to see who was bottom feeding and not post. After reading a couple of posts I thought to myself "Self, you haven't posted much lately so why don't you go ahead and post that." So I did. Then I decided to go get my glass of water that I left on the counter.

I'm back.

There's nothing quite like a cold glass of water on a hot June day. Well, except for a nice cold beer. Trouble is all I have is BCS right now and that's just not the type of beer for this situation. I need to go to the store and pick up a nice blonde ale, kolsch, hefe, or maybe some Shiner Ruby Redbird since it is a good summer beer. I probably should also start thinking about what to cook for dinner. Hmmmm, need food. Food at grocery store. Ugh. Guess I'll have to get creative tonight. Wonder how long it would take to smoke a frozen solid pork shoulder. . .
has anything changed?

Yes, we changed schemes and got worse instead of better, which is always a possibility when you change things. I liked the old scheme, we just didn't run the ball enough most years. Most good college teams don't have a 50/50 run/pass ratio (most are at least 60% run). All is not lost if KF chooses the right QB.
Wisconsin has a one loss team and is heading most likely to the Rose Bowl. They are not an exact copy but play a brand of football extremely similar to ours.

Guess what? They run a very pridictable offense also and are trouncing teams.

I never buy scheme as the reason for wins and losses. A great football team can even tell the opponent at the line of scrimmage what they are going to run and then run it anyway to perfection.

Football is a man's sport. It's about who is bigger, faster, stronger and tougher PERIOD. That's who wins most games. Sure there a few cases on both sides of the bell curve but most winners are decided by these factors.

Want to have a better offense? Someone ask our offensive line guru KF why he does not put out a better offensive line personnel wise? Ask KF the hard question why he put in Jeff Koeppel at the right guard spot after injuries to Gettis & McMillan passing over other players more suitable for that position; Boeffelli, Orne, Van Sloten to name a few. This decision really took the wheels of this offense. Prior to that insertion there was not a lot of margin for error but the offense was moving the ball. This insertion gave Iowa one of the smallest interior set of lineman in the Big Ten. The effect was we lost consistent control of the line of scrimmage. Too many drives were stalled due to negative yardage plays/minimal gains, pocket pressure/collapses. Bingo.... offense dropped to 17 points per games after MSU. Games which included three of the five worst defensive teams in the conference.

Guess what... last time this same thing happened was when we were 6-6. We started out that season playing a vastly undersized guard(Meade) and a young undersized center in Eubanks. That season was a total disaster blocking wise also and we had issues moving the football.

Coincidence??? Not.

Most fans do not value the importance of blocking because they follow the ball and skilled players.

This is a solid post. We have been undersized on the OL compared to other teams for a while. Wisconsin has had great success for some time (from a scoring perspective) running the ball 65-70% of the time behind an oversized OL. We could do that. We are a similar program to Wisconsin, maybe not currently, but historically. I think this will be one of the bigger OLs we've had in a while.
This is a solid post. We have been undersized on the OL compared to other teams for a while. Wisconsin has had great success for some time (from a scoring perspective) running the ball 65-70% of the time behind an oversized OL. We could do that. We are a similar program to Wisconsin, maybe not currently, but historically. I think this will be one of the bigger OLs we've had in a while.

You don't have to think... it will be the biggest OL we've had in awhile and I'm excited about their potential to push people around. Size doesn't mean everything though.
Iowa can't recruit (so Iowa fans say), so the defense is also plain..vanilla. Why am I always the only one who says the same as in this thread about Iowa's offense about Iowa's defense?

I know this has a lot to to with our conservative coach, KF. Conservative offense and defense. Offense most conservative so mistakes aren't as prevalent. This is what I don't understand: KF relies on the defense to win games, yet his defense is ineffective against passing and spread offenses, it waits for mistakes.
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Iowa can't recruit (so Iowa fans say), so the defense is also plain..vanilla. Why am I always the only one who says the same as in this thread about Iowa's offense about Iowa's defense?

I know this has a lot to to with our conservative coach, KF. Conservative offense and defense. Offense most conservative so mistakes aren't as prevalent. This is what I don't understand: KF relies on the defense to win games, yet his defense is ineffective against passing and spread offenses, it waits for mistakes.

While I agree with some of this, I also think it goes deeper. KF's defenses are successful when the front 4 get pressure on the QB. That pressure is what leads to the mistakes. Unfortunately when you're not consistently getting pressure on the QB and the receivers have all the time in the world to get open they will generally do so. I may get criticized for saying this, but I have no issue with the "bend don't break mentality", IMO the problem isn't in the mentality, but the fact that we can't get the pressure needed to execute it. The years we've been able to succeed and penetrate also happen to be the years we've had the most success.
Iowa can't recruit (so Iowa fans say), so the defense is also plain..vanilla. Why am I always the only one who says the same as in this thread about Iowa's offense about Iowa's defense?

I know this has a lot to to with our conservative coach, KF. Conservative offense and defense. Offense most conservative so mistakes aren't as prevalent. This is what I don't understand: KF relies on the defense to win games, yet his defense is ineffective against passing and spread offenses, it waits for mistakes.

The real kicker is that Iowa now specailizes(or tries to) in 3 yard pass plays. 3 yard pass plays is what Iowas defense has the biggest problem defending.
While I agree with some of this, I also think it goes deeper. KF's defenses are successful when the front 4 get pressure on the QB. That pressure is what leads to the mistakes. Unfortunately when you're not consistently getting pressure on the QB and the receivers have all the time in the world to get open they will generally do so. I may get criticized for saying this, but I have no issue with the "bend don't break mentality", IMO the problem isn't in the mentality, but the fact that we can't get the pressure needed to execute it. The years we've been able to succeed and penetrate also happen to be the years we've had the most success.

This is as accurate as it gets when discussing the Iowa defenses down years vs their up years. It all comes down to the defensive line. If the Hawks don't have a front four that can get pressure on the QB then KF has got to allow the DC to adjust the gameplan. Which means man up on the outside and blitz the QB more frequently. Let's just hope the front four can get pressure, because history tells us when they can get pressure Iowa has the most success. History also tells us KF isn't exactly open to playing less conservatively.
What ever happened to Ken Keefe? You know, the guy who took the O out of Iowa's offense......oh, how quickly Iowa fan forgets and puts the blame on the next guy.....
I will admit Davis had a bad year but KoK was far from good. Being better than a person doesn't make you good at your job. KOK was no bcs OC. I've said it before and will say if again Iowa had one great coach for 13 years its was Parker
Forget Ken Keefe - whatever happened to this Kaldenburg guy?!? He came strong wit da insights and was a "play to win" kinda guy to boot!

Let me guess - the Durrrrty Thurrrty chased him out?
This is as accurate as it gets when discussing the Iowa defenses down years vs their up years. It all comes down to the defensive line. If the Hawks don't have a front four that can get pressure on the QB then KF has got to allow the DC to adjust the gameplan. Which means man up on the outside and blitz the QB more frequently. Let's just hope the front four can get pressure, because history tells us when they can get pressure Iowa has the most success. History also tells us KF isn't exactly open to playing less conservatively.

I have always found it strange that people give Ferentz so much praise for the success we had from 2008-09 when if you look at it there really was very little if anything that changed from 2006-07. The staff wasn't implementing new ideas for anything. Things were not being done to put our guys in a better position to be success full rather we just kept on with the same stuff over and over again until new players came that could do what we had been doing all along successfully. If I have to guess I will say that's what's going on currently. The results won't likely be different until we get the players we need to be successfull
Any scheme works with superior talent. Alabama is very vanilla but has the best talent in the country. They could tell 90% of the teams in the country the plays they are going to run and they still wouldn't be stopped.
This is a solid post. We have been undersized on the OL compared to other teams for a while. Wisconsin has had great success for some time (from a scoring perspective) running the ball 65-70% of the time behind an oversized OL. We could do that. We are a similar program to Wisconsin, maybe not currently, but historically. I think this will be one of the bigger OLs we've had in a while.

Similar philosophies just different schemes if that makes sense. It does make me wonder if BB eventually takes over for KF will he stick with the stretch, zone blocking approach or will he go with the man on man power stuff that wisky ran.
Similar philosophies just different schemes if that makes sense. It does make me wonder if BB eventually takes over for KF will he stick with the stretch, zone blocking approach or will he go with the man on man power stuff that wisky ran.

Yes, Wisconsin does what we want to do but they've had much greater success doing it. If you look at the rushing and scoring stats over the last 10 years in the B1G, Wisconsin has pretty much dominated us. So it might be good to look at what they're doing and see if we can't do that. With KF's background, you'd think we could beat them at that game.

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