Alford running his mouth again!

Maybe SA could come out and state some of his faults at Iowa instead of blaming it all on Iowa? It's typical SA speak. He could easily say "well, I had a convesation with Gary Barta at the end of the year, he basicly told me to win or I'm done. After the meeting I started calling schools that had an opening for a coach using my cell phone provided by the U of I and I ended up walking away from there because I sensed I was going to get fired due to the lack of quality recruits, lack of fan support and over all I just didn't get it done. I learned a heck of a lot t Iowa which helps to this day, I thank them for the oppurtunity but everyone knew I would leave someday..........I was hoping for Indiana not NM."

Who cares? Why does it matter?
and how you can't just bring in a coach to build a program.

Maybe, maybe not. But some coaches who can't get over their previous jobs sure know how to tear down a program.

I imagine Alford would let it go if reporters would stop asking the question.

Well, it's good to know that reporters are holding a gun to Alford's head to make him respond the way he does. :rolleyes:
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Maybe, maybe not. But some coaches who can't get over their previous jobs sure know how to tear down a program.

Well, it's good to know that reporters are holding a gun to Alford's head to make him respond the way he does. :rolleyes:

Which is why I said he needs to bring out the "no comment" statement when asked. Like I said, I doubt he wants to be asked about his problems at Iowa. I'm sure he'd rather be asked about his success at New Mexico.

I have a feeling that you wouldn't be happy though unless he came out and gave your opinion about his tenure at Iowa.
Iowa was better off before Alford got here. Although the last 3 seasons have been tough, we'll be better off down the road because he's gone.

It didn't work at Iowa...and Alford must shoulder at least part of the blame for that.
Exactly. He has to know he can never say ''the right thing'' for some Iowa fans who will always hate him. But if he said ''no comment'', the same fans would call him out for being arrogant.

I really don't think many Iowa fans would be upset if he said, "I'm in New Mexico and want to focus on this program instead of talking about Iowa" or even a more terse "No comment".
Alford did a great job at Iowa! I only wish we were still doing that good. Alford will do an excellent job where he is and will eventually go to a bigger and better position with a top name school. Just watch.
Alford did a great job at Iowa! I only wish we were still doing that good. Alford will do an excellent job where he is and will eventually go to a bigger and better position with a top name school. Just watch.

Alford took Iowa from a team that was almost always in the NCAA Tournament (and did always get to at least the 2nd round) to a team that only made the Big Dance by playing out of their minds at the Big Ten Tournament.

Alford won ONE NCAA Tournament game in 8 years. One. Mr. Davis won 13, if memory serves me correctly, in 13 years.

Yet, Alford "did a great job at Iowa"? Sorry, that's simply not the case. He was pathetically average, at best. He had better stay at New Mexico, because at this point in his career, he's proven that he can only win at small and mid-major level schools. He had a shot to win in a major league and failed.
Alford took Iowa from a team that was almost always in the NCAA Tournament (and did always get to at least the 2nd round) to a team that only made the Big Dance by playing out of their minds at the Big Ten Tournament.

Alford won ONE NCAA Tournament game in 8 years. One. Mr. Davis won 13, if memory serves me correctly, in 13 years.

Yet, Alford "did a great job at Iowa"? Sorry, that's simply not the case. He was pathetically average, at best. He had better stay at New Mexico, because at this point in his career, he's proven that he can only win at small and mid-major level schools. He had a shot to win in a major league and failed.
Bingo.....this sums it up
I really don't think many Iowa fans would be upset if he said, "I'm in New Mexico and want to focus on this program instead of talking about Iowa" or even a more terse "No comment".

Or how about the fact that 3 years later people still get ****** or CARE for that matter.
I'm tired of talking about Steve Alford.

I'm tired of talking about changing the foul rule when a team has a three-point lead late in the game.

I'm tired of suggestions that Butler doesn't belong in the championship game, despite the fact that they ran the table and held each opponent below 60 points.

I'm tired of arguments that Butler Ball won't work in the Big 10. If I'm not mistaken, a well-coached Butler team just beat the Big 10 champions.

I'm tired of lame attempts at April Fools' jokes, either on April 1 or on April 4.

Most of all, I'm just tired.

But I am looking forward to watching a helluva national championship game Monday night. Yeah, Butler may get drilled by a stronger, more complete Duke team.

But then again, they may not. That's why I'll watch.
Or how about the fact that 3 years later people still get ****** or CARE for that matter.

What are people supposed to feel when this jack*** is badmouthing Iowa's program in national interviews?

Look, everyone should move on and take the high road, but Alford haters aren't doing it on ESPN. He is.
Alford had little to no support from the administration, same with Lickliter. Both were promised a lot and got little in return. Building the Iowa program will certainly take more than just a coach. The practice facility is a huge step in the right direction but if it ends there, things will not be greatly improved in the near future.

Frankly, based on your post I dont see what Alford said that is "way off".

Frankly, Alford needs to move on and stop talking about Iowa, he's been gone three years, get over us. If he had some class, he'd say "I'm at New Mexico now, and let's leave it that". If he would, people on this site would drop the topic and stop bringing him up.
Steve is acting no different than when he was coaching here. He is right about upgrades to facilities but, he's really good at blaming all lifes problems on someone else.
Who cares? Why does it matter?
I care that he runs down Iowa every chance he gets and takes no responsability for his failure at Iowa. It matters to me because I let it matter and your not my boss. If and it's a big if SA had any class he would shut his hole.
Les Jepsen can and will kick stevie alfraud's azz.
Game over.
I have a feeling that you wouldn't be happy though unless he came out and gave your opinion about his tenure at Iowa.

I have a feeling you should stop trying to guess what other people think, because it's only going to make you look like an idiot.

Alford needs to shut his damn trap.

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