Alabama v LSU rematch

And, if by some miracle someone from the SEC East beats LSU in the SECCG, Alabama, a team that will not have even won their DIVISION, much less their conference, will get a shot at the NCG.

I agree, who wants to see the best two teams play for the championship???

That's just crazy talk.
I'm so excited for the rematch. If the game is as horrible as we all know it will be, and then Oregon or Oklahoma State goes on to win their bowls by 20+ A LOT of people will be upset. Best possible scenario in my mind.
No way should Alabama stay ahead of a 1 loss Oregon team if they win the Pac 12 Championship.
This whole thing has always had one letter too many... It's just plain BS and everybody with a sliver of a brain knows it. Just because you call something a "championship game" doesn't make it one. Why play the season at all? Just ask the computers -- GIGO, don't forget -- and save all the time and effort? Of course, the computers wouldn't have been clever enough to call an Iowa State win over OSU...but then that sort of thing shouldn't be allowed. Everybody knows it was a fluke, right? All that matters is what the giant brains at ESPN think, not what actually happens on a football field. If Major League Baseball were run like college football, the Yankees would have won the World Series and the Cardinals would not have been invited to participate.

There is no national championship game in D-1 football, so who plays in the charade they have makes no difference at all.
Why would we want to see an LSU Oregon rematch?

Basically, this will mark the death of the BCS like the Miami/PSU Fiesta Bowl marked the death of the old bowl tie-in system.
No way they should have a rematch...still a lot of football to be played though.

In my honest opinion, there is going to be a rematch of some sort. Oregon or Alabama will get another shot at LSU. If LSU is undefeated, and Oregon an Bama each only have one loss, there is no way another team should be picked to face LSU. I would love to see an Oregon LSU rematch. I feel as if Oregon will beat LSU the 2nd time around.
In my honest opinion, there is going to be a rematch of some sort. Oregon or Alabama will get another shot at LSU. If LSU is undefeated, and Oregon an Bama each only have one loss, there is no way another team should be picked to face LSU. I would love to see an Oregon LSU rematch. I feel as if Oregon will beat LSU the 2nd time around.

The problem is, they both already had their shot. College football says that this is the only sport where the regular season "really matters". Well, Oregon lost to LSU by 2 touchdowns, and Alabama lost to LSU at home. I don't know who it should be, but I don't think it should be either of those teams, even if they are 2nd and 3rd best.
If it happens, I'll flush my eyes out with acid before sitting through that **** again. How will it be advertised this time? Rematch of the GODS!
People forget that being the "best" team also involves having a FG kicker. I get that Alabama has several future NFL defensive players. They're fantastic. Too bad they have a Middle School FG kicker.

I'm SEC'd out. Alabama should've beaten LSU. Too bad for them, in my opinion.

I don't want to see another game where 17 field goals are attempted and 3 made...
Oklahoma is probably really annoyed with their little brother right now. If the Pokes had remained undefeated, then an OU victory over them may have vaulted them into the championship game...perhaps.

But then again, they lost to TT on their home field....
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To bad Houston doesnt play harder competition. That offense vs LSU defense would make for a great advertising and David vs Goliath. But only thing can hope for is LSU to lose twice or Bama AND Oregon to lose once more. If LSU loses once and Bama Oregon in Championship all will hear is we beat both of them so we deserve in the Championship and even more controversy

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