Alabama -- National Champs

No, the national champion is determined by the BCS process, (and AP.) In other years, the national champion was determined by the AP/Coaches Poll.

No, Duff is correct. The NCAA does not...and never has...recognized an "NCAA National Champion" in Division 1 football.

Alabama is the BCS champion. They are not the NCAA "national" champion.
You can try to mince words however you want one here gives a damn whether it's a "NCAA" sanctioned title or not. The fact is that people have been trying to recognize a national champion for some time and the very inception of the BCS was predicated on that purpose.

What his reply is stating, if read verbatim, is that they aren't the NC because the NCAA doesn't sanction it. Well, if you want to get technical about it, the NCAA can theoretically be thrown completely out of CFB if the forces that be so chose to do so. The NCAA doesn't inherently wield any special power to sanction it anyway.

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