Alabama and SEC

It is fun to listen to B10 fans make fun of the SEC in terms of morality. Our 2 flagship programs recently committed NCAA violations and lied about it.

Another enabled a child predator to roam free on its campus and football facilities.

For those of you thinking the SEC pays players... So does every other major conference team. Take your head out of the sand. We are talking about the most corrupt sport in this country.

I have been saying this for a while. Not only do we suck to football, we suck at cheating.
Have you guys seen O$U and michigan's recruiting classes the last two years with new coaches? Our top two teams will soon be able to beat the SEC's top two of Alabama and LSU. Then have Wisconsin, Nebraska, Michigan State and Iowa against the middle SEC tems like Georgia, Auburn, Florida and Tennessee and I like the B1G's chances to compete...
Teams which don't Oversign will never catch teams that do Oversign.

Sour grapes and our conference is the one with 2 teams in eligible for bowls so we aren't as high and mighty as we wish we were. And the SEC passed a rule this year eliminating over signing. So please stop using that excuse.

We need to get better players and better coaches and stop pressing our noses up to the big shot window. You don't like them...beat them!

There really is a difference between trading memorabilia for tattoo's and giving a players dad hundred's of thousands...apparently the tattoo's are worth sanctions and the 200k offers are not.

When the SEC schools actually stop over-signing and releasing players/making up medical reasons to drop perfectly healthy athletes from their rosters, let me know.