Agree with Pat .... or not?

Can someone please take the board off meltdown mode? It's only June. The rest of the conference lost a LOT of talent. O'Keefe has pretty consistently turned new QBs into 10 game winners (Banks, Chandler, Tate, Stanzi (backing out Jake's bad second half at Pitt in '08). The team is going to be fine, enough with all the defeatist attitudes. You guys sound like a bunch of loser Northworstern fans, looking forward to a 7-5 or 8-4 season. Iowa can beat anyone on the 2011 schedule.

Chandler won 10 games, JVB can, too. Think of all the stars we lost from 2002 to 2003. And we still won 10 games.
We have a good o-line.
We have a great RB.
We have a great WR.
We have some new faces on D, but they got time last season and will be fine.

Best of all, JD Miller isn't go to jinx the team with some 12-0 prediction.
I see too many holes in both the offense and defense.
Since there are many holes on defense, the offense will have to carry the day - like last year.

It is pie in the sky to say Iowa will have a dominant season; it is being a homer.
Of course, Iowa has neither been as bad or as good as everyone says.

I'm hoping for some miracles.
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The truth is it was being a "homer" to expect to win 11 games in 2002, it was "homer" to expect 10 in 03 and then of course it was "homer" yet once again, for the 3rd year in a row replacing yet another QB to win 10 AGAIN.

Then of course coming off our 2nd .500 season it was VERY homer to win 9 games when people told us we were done, and then we got all homered up yet again in 2009, I mean really?!?!?!?

Its homer to expect to win football games against teams we have beaten multiple times over the last 30 years, really?!?

We have produced more NFL alumni than anyone but tOSU yet somehow its “homer” to expect us to have enuff next year to win 9 or 10 plus games......???? I mean honestly at some point in time when do you expect to expect "good" results and you are not a homer?!

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The truth is it was being a "homer" to expect to win 11 games in 2002, it was "homer" to expect 10 in 03 and then of course it was "homer" yet once again, for the 3rd year in a row replacing yet another QB to win 10 AGAIN.

Then of course coming off our 2nd .500 season it was VERY homer to win 9 games when people told us we were done, and then we got all homered up yet again in 2009, I mean really?!?!?!?

Its homer to expect to win football games against teams we have beaten multiple times over the last 30 years, really?!?

We have produced more NFL alumni than anyone but tOSU yet somehow its “homerâ€￾ to expect us to have enuff next year to win 9 or 10 plus games......???? I mean honestly at some point in time when do you expect to expect "good" results and you are not a homer?!


You can't just pick all of the seasons you had success, then throw hindsight in everyones face. If the only reason you predict 9+ wins is because of history, you don't have an argument.
I'm new here, but I already realize there are certain posters to stay away from.

It's a bad combination. No logic and no patience.
Alright! I try and save one of these long posts for when I am having coffee and no one is awake yet. I did post early in this one, but then left it alone until now. First I have to say OK4P had one of the best posts I have ever read from him. Second 8-4 is possible.
That said someone said "if this and if that" and "it's not like stars are in waiting". Well all teams have if's, ours dont seem to be big ones but rather a few more than we would like. Which would you rather have is debateable. I would rather have 3 small "if's" that just need a little tweaking than 1 big if at a skilled position. Also, we do have stars in waiting, Iowa has shown that over and over again. When I think of another qb that Vandy reminds me of, well lets just say his name gets thrown around ALOT. Yes he needs to build a good relationship with a TE or screens to Coker, he has to slow it down and not try and do everything, but the tools are there. He has an arm on him, and he is very smart. Some would even say he is Northwestern smart. :)
While I loved watching some old games recently, I realized, this is what we need to get back to. Be punishing, the respect is on the field, go get it, grind it out type of play. As OK4P brought up, pound it harder than a 40 year old virgin and I mean from both sides of the rock. Everyone knows when we come to town it's going to be physical, time to step it up a notch and be even more so.
I have us winning our division and that is not being a homer. Do I think we will go undefeated? Nope. Do I think we will go 8-4? Maybe, but unlikely. I think 10-2 is a very good educated guess and is very possible.
On a side note, I like what I have heard about some of the new blood or "stars in waiting" if you prefer. I think that is what we needed, shake it up a bit, lite a fire, fan the flames and watch that sob burn everything it runs into.
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Just got back from Minn. fishing trip. Four of us caught our limit of crappie, gills, rock bass ring perch, and just missed on large mouth bass! 41 1.5lb bags or fillets! Fall will get here soon enough, enjoy the summer as winter is long and cold. I, also, am looking forward to Hawkeye football, just not right now. There is too much summer to enjoy first!!!!!!
I seriously doubt QB is going to be a concern area at Iowa this year. We have nothing but upside from JVB since he went into the Northwestern game. As for the D'line, we heard the same things before (King etc) and the next year the D'line was fine.

Linebacker, D'backs are going to be a concern, but not the major concern. I think the concern is the offensive line. If the line is solid they should dominate in the first two or three games and give the running backs a lot of action. If the offensive line struggles its going to be a long year and the rest of the team will not be able to overcome it.
I always got a chuckle out of a joke I saw on Miller's old Scout site about Pat: What is more yellow Pat's teeth or the stains in his underwear?
I think 8-4 is reasonable ... But so is 9-3 and so is 6-6. You just never know. It will come down to leadership. I think the talent is there but we need leaders to step up this season. Last season was a huge disappointment on the leadership front, especially when you consider how many quality seniors we had on the field.

I do think Vandy will be that leader on offense. He has been in the Iowa system for three years now and I think he will be ready to step on and lead the way.

I honestly am not as worried about our defense as most of the national experts seem to be. We have quality players stepping in-- players who have been in the system for a few years and players who have seen the field.

We do have a favorable schedule -- at least at the beginning of the season.

The ISU game is always a concern but we should leave the non-conference with a 4-0 (3-1 at worst) record. While no game is a given -- as we learned last season -- I do think we will bounce back. As the majority will most likely agree, Iowa seems to excel when expectations are the lowest ... It's funny how some of the same programs we have beat (or compete with regularly) lose just as many starters and yet still are projected a lot higher than Iowa. Penn State will be ranked even if it loses 22 starters. Same goes for OSU ...

At Nebraska will be a tough one ... I could see that as a game that gets away from Iowa. I don't know why, but I think the Huskers will walk away with a convincing win.

Hopefully we can notch enough early wins to carry us to an 8-4 or 9-3 season. I would be disappointed if we notch anything less than 8 wins, given the schedule and given the fact that the program is on solid enough ground that we should not experience six or seven win seasons. That is not being overconfident, that is just being realistic. There is no reason we should finish with fewer than 8 wins in a season.
At Nebraska will be a tough one ... I could see that as a game that gets away from Iowa. I don't know why, but I think the Huskers will walk away with a convincing win.

I would be absolutely shocked if the margin in that game is larger than 10 points in either direction. The Husker strength will be it's D ... however, even then, their D will have their hands full with Iowa's O (assuming that Iowa's O can remain adequately healthy).

Both teams have promise on their "weaker" units ... however, I'd feel more confident about a Norm Parker led Iowa D than a Husker O that is under new leadership.

I can see either team winning ... however, as I mentioned before, I doubt either team enjoys a convincing win. And, what will be cool about that, is that will only further fuel each fan-base ... helping to make the game that much more of a quality "rivalry."
I think 8-4 is reasonable ... But so is 9-3 and so is 6-6. You just never know. It will come down to leadership. I think the talent is there but we need leaders to step up this season. Last season was a huge disappointment on the leadership front, especially when you consider how many quality seniors we had on the field.

It took an imploding Iowa squad to go 6-6 in '06 and a crappy Iowa squad to go 6-6 in '07. Furthermore, in each of those seasons, Iowa had games that completely got away from them ... and they lost by some embarrassing margins in a game or two.

Folks might claim that our 7-5 regular season finish in '10 wasn't all that different ... however, I'd say that it was actually worlds different. Apart from the Minnesota game ... the team fought with the right attitude throughout the entire season. And, even then, had the level of leadership had been a tad bit better ... then we probably wouldn't have observed that sort of disappointment at the end of the season. Thus, I would definitely AGREE with you about the importance of LEADERSHIP!

Anyhow, the '10 season may have ended with a 7-5 regular season ... however, the combined margin of all of those defeats was irritatingly small. And we still managed to be close in all those games DESPITE still having to overcome quite a bit of adversity!
Just got back from Minn. fishing trip. Four of us caught our limit of crappie, gills, rock bass ring perch, and just missed on large mouth bass! 41 1.5lb bags or fillets! Fall will get here soon enough, enjoy the summer as winter is long and cold. I, also, am looking forward to Hawkeye football, just not right now. There is too much summer to enjoy first!!!!!!

I caught a 10 lb cat on light-weight tackle ... and yet I still cannot help but crave Hawk football!

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