‘Building blocks’ give Hawks reason for hoops hope

So Doc thinks that with one more losing season Lick is done? Then why write this article? He stated comments from the Iowa admin, Jimmy Jackson of BTN, and Van Coleman we're reason enough to believe we have building blocks of hope? What are those groups supposed to say? Of course they'll speak positively. But I don't buy it. I see the progress that's being made, but many who think Lick can turn it around after the worst season in Iowa BB history and have a winning record or make the NIT are just setting yourself up for letdown. If they can get to .500 and stay close in a ALL of their losses I might say keep him one more year. But I bet that doesn't happen. We we're just plain ugly this year.
"They have some great building blocks with Fuller and Matt Gatens,” Big Ten Network analyst Jim Jackson said. “I think Cully can be a great point guard for this team. If you add a couple more pieces there and continue to grow, it doesn’t take much in basketball.”

I think this sums up my feeling of guarded optimism about next year pretty well. I think we have some nice pieces in place and in basketball sometimes one or two key changes can make a huge difference.
The only problem is....other teams in the Big 10 will be getting better too, and they have more talented recruits than Iowa.
I hope Lickliter is watching Lisa Bluder's women's team run offense/defense and is taking notes about how to deal with a YOUNG team. Maybe he can incorporate some of her ideas into his program!
The only problem is....other teams in the Big 10 will be getting better too, and they have more talented recruits than Iowa.

I understand that other teams are getting better and or changing too, but it's not always about that. It's not always about who one teams has coming in vs another.

To me, the Iowa team I waatched play this season would have been 5 or more winsbetter with a few key ingredients. Other teams that are gaining perhaps better recruits may or may not be gaining as much as Iowa in terms of potential growth.

Example, I think Iowa is as deep and close to as good as any team in the B10 right now at the 2 and 3 spots. I think this years Iowa team has top tier B10 talent in those positions. Furthermore, I think Iowa has servicable 1 and 4 positions but seriously lacks depth and or experience there.

If Iowa improves those spots with talent, depth and experience, and adds some presence at the 5, it has a chance to grow quite a bit more than other teams who perhaps add better talent but aren't upgrading overall as much.

It may not pan out that way but it is a reasonable point of view.
I understand that other teams are getting better and or changing too, but it's not always about that. It's not always about who one teams has coming in vs another.

To me, the Iowa team I waatched play this season would have been 5 or more winsbetter with a few key ingredients. Other teams that are gaining perhaps better recruits may or may not be gaining as much as Iowa in terms of potential growth.

Example, I think Iowa is as deep and close to as good as any team in the B10 right now at the 2 and 3 spots. I think this years Iowa team has top tier B10 talent in those positions. Furthermore, I think Iowa has servicable 1 and 4 positions but seriously lacks depth and or experience there.

If Iowa improves those spots with talent, depth and experience, and adds some presence at the 5, it has a chance to grow quite a bit more than other teams who perhaps add better talent but aren't upgrading overall as much.

It may not pan out that way but it is a reasonable point of view.

Who are you including in the 2/3 position rotation? I presume Gatens and May, with Devan filling out that rotation. Fuller is a 4,Cole a 5,with Cougill and Brommer as backups. Cully is the pg,with lil lick as the backup. Am I missing anyone? Returning next year at the 2/3 spots are Gatens and May,so I presume you are placing them as being in the top tier players in the league at those spots?
I like those two kids, and we are getting depth with Brust,Marble,and possibly another commit at those positions, but just not sure I feel they can be put in the top tier just yet. I guess it could depend on which players return next year like etwaun Moore,talor battle,manny harris,summers,allen,lighty,buford,diebler,babb,Mo Creek,verdell jones,brandon paul,DJ richardson,Drew Crawford,Shurna,Rod Williams, and Devoe Joseph... all of whom are pretty good players at those positions.

If all the above return, I am not sure where Gatens/May would land in the pecking order at those positions...pretty good players on that list. As far as sheer athleticism, Matt would lag behind all of them. Eric can hold his own,but he has to improve his ball-handling and shooting to belong in the top tier.
I agree that the 1 and 5 spots could still be not top tier in the league with good pgs...Nolen,Taylor,McCamey,Thompson,LewJack,Barlow,Lucas,Luscious,Frazier,Turner...
solid group there.
At the 5...Sampson,Iverson,Mikolivic,Rowley,Tisdale,Nankavil,Johnson,Nix,Sherman,and Lauderdale...more tough comp for Jarryd.

I guess I just still am concerned that it is all relative. I am not disputing that Iowa will be in better shape next year as a team in a vacuum,but the rest of the league will not be standing still either. If everyone returns in the league, moving up is going to be hard for any teams...MSU,OSU,and PU will remain entrenched, Wisky,Ill will still be good, and Minny,NW will expect to be in the hunt. That leaves the usual suspects to fight for the championship of the bottom tier, with Michigan,Iowa,IU,and PSU all clawing to get out of that tier...honestly, I like PSU or IU a bit more than Iowa to leapfrog maybe minny...but, I am open to Iowa shocking the world and jumping into the top 6...Go Hawks.
As 2-3 I was including Gatens, May and Fuller since Fuller is most naturally 3-4. I agree the league is pretty loaded at those positions but I think Iowa is very solid as well, and with added threats around our current 2-3 guys they stand only to benefit. Of the bunch you listed, don't be surprised if May turns out to be one of the very best.

As far as the 5, I dopn't consider Cole a true 5 and happen to think that if he had a chnce to play the 4 (which is his best natural position) he may be a pretty good force.

Add a couple of servicable 5's, some help at the 4, some more depth at the 2-3 with some talented options and another 1 that can play at this level and compliment what we have and I say you may have to throw out the vacuum philosophy as Iowa has a shot at gaining more ground with less talent (if you subscribe to that sight unseen) than teams that are simply adding some talent to positions that were alreadly talented to begin with or replacing good talent with more good talent.
Iowa still need a play maker at a guard spot. Somebody like we had in Jake Kelly who could create his shot when he had the ball in his hands. I really think we have an issue with Cully and Gatens as building blocks. I think either one would do really well if there was a true play maker at the other spot. However with the two of them together, we lack a true scorer.
As 2-3 I was including Gatens, May and Fuller since Fuller is most naturally 3-4. I agree the league is pretty loaded at those positions but I think Iowa is very solid as well, and with added threats around our current 2-3 guys they stand only to benefit. Of the bunch you listed, don't be surprised if May turns out to be one of the very best.

As far as the 5, I dopn't consider Cole a true 5 and happen to think that if he had a chnce to play the 4 (which is his best natural position) he may be a pretty good force.

Add a couple of servicable 5's, some help at the 4, some more depth at the 2-3 with some talented options and another 1 that can play at this level and compliment what we have and I say you may have to throw out the vacuum philosophy as Iowa has a shot at gaining more ground with less talent (if you subscribe to that sight unseen) than teams that are simply adding some talent to positions that were alreadly talented to begin with or replacing good talent with more good talent.

Sorry,but I cannot slot Fuller at the 3 and Cole at the 4 when they simply do not play those positions on the floor. Do you really think that Fuller or Cole will not play the same positions as this year? Fuller is a natural,undersized 4 ,imo. One of the best rebounders in the league, it is hard to see him moving out to a wing position for many minutes.
As for Cole, I guess you could slot him as part of the 4 rotation with Fuller,if Cougill,Archie,Brommer or Larson take over at the 5,but honestly,I just do not see Cole sitting behind Fuller at the 4. I think he could sit behind one of the other guys at the 5 possibly.

Larson,Archie,Cougill and Brommer are still somewhat unknowns as far as their ultimate roles in this offense. So,I will not rule out Cole moving to the 4. But I just do not see anyway that Gatens,May and Fuller are not on the floor together next year...as well as Payne probably. So that is what we have to work with. I will allow that sometimes, a TEAM can be greater than the sum of its parts,and that some teams are less than the sum of their parts...which is where their could be an opportunity to leapfrog more talented teams...I hope it happens because on paper, the Hawks talent will be no better than 8th in the league next year.
Sorry,but I cannot slot Fuller at the 3 and Cole at the 4 when they simply do not play those positions on the floor. Do you really think that Fuller or Cole will not play the same positions as this year? Fuller is a natural,undersized 4 ,imo. One of the best rebounders in the league, it is hard to see him moving out to a wing position for many minutes.
As for Cole, I guess you could slot him as part of the 4 rotation with Fuller,if Cougill,Archie,Brommer or Larson take over at the 5,but honestly,I just do not see Cole sitting behind Fuller at the 4. I think he could sit behind one of the other guys at the 5 possibly.

Larson,Archie,Cougill and Brommer are still somewhat unknowns as far as their ultimate roles in this offense. So,I will not rule out Cole moving to the 4. But I just do not see anyway that Gatens,May and Fuller are not on the floor together next year...as well as Payne probably. So that is what we have to work with. I will allow that sometimes, a TEAM can be greater than the sum of its parts,and that some teams are less than the sum of their parts...which is where their could be an opportunity to leapfrog more talented teams...I hope it happens because on paper, the Hawks talent will be no better than 8th in the league next year.

I think / hope we will see a lot of different combinations from this team. It seems to me that one of the thihgs Lickliter does recruit for is versatility.

Again I am not sittin here saying that Iowa is going to turn it around next year because I don't know if they will.

I am saying that we have some good players that are better than some are giving creidt for and our recruiting class may be the same. All in all I see hope for next year beyond the dreary shoot for .500 most are suggesting.
If there is something Iowa lacks, when comparing to Lick's Butler teams...it is ball-handling and finishing ability by the wings.

For those b-ball experts who want to rip on the "system"...watch some college b-ball today and note how many times the bigs pick and roll on the perimeter. It is done all over. The problem is that Iowa does not have the wings who can do anything with it...Gatens is better at spot-up shooting. May is a true-frosh who is still developing his game.

I actually think Iowa's bigs are much more solid than I expected, especially with Fuller's emergence. However, the limitations of the wings are really hurting this team. They cannot create at all.
What Iowa really lacks, when comparing to Lick's Butler team, is a legitimate 4 that can consistently shoot the three. Pete Campbell was his last one. Gordon H. does that for them now. Aaron shot more threes last year, but not so much this year. But you can't argue with his results, but it limits the "system" a bit.

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