Adware Issue With Chrome and Firefox.......


Well-Known Member
Started for me at around 11:00 pm tonight???? Could not get into message boards. I was able to bypass it on chrome, but not at all with firefox. Finally launched IE and it did not detect anything. My Antivirus did not pick anything up either? Anyone else experiencing this issue? Maybe a new add was recently launched?
So it just must be me who caught the itch. Do you two use other protection outside of Chrome and Firefox?
Happening to me too.

Ahh, good to know I am not the only one. I don't think it is a big deal since my antivirus is not acting up, but Firefox won't let me on to the message boards at all. Chrome doesn't like the situation. IE is like the honey badger. It just doesn't give a ****!
Just started getting it with Chrome this morning after using it yesterday without problems. It's definitely a Chrome message, not from my antivirus, and says Chrome blocked access to the page because the site contains malware. It lets me bypass it though. For what it's worth, I use AVG for my antivirus and it gave me no alerts.
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Thanks for the heads up. We are looking into it. All of our files are clean so we are looking into some of our vendors.
I believe we've isolated two parties and are disabling a few things as we speak. The site and its servers are clean but one of our third parties is causing the problem and they probly don't even know it yet.
Pretty sure I've narrowed down which ad provider it is and they won't be allowed back. We've removed the chain of ads where that was coming from and will invite google to rescan the site
Yes, I am we'll aware of the situation

One of our ad vendors must have had a security breach and got infected. Then once that was picked up by the browsers, who act as the delivery mechanism, they 'red list' a site. We've removed the offending ad network so the threat has been removed, but we'll go through the process of 'clearing' the name of the site with google.
Just got this, Jon. Perhaps it's still an issue with Google Chrome, which is where I got it a couple minutes ago:

The Website Ahead Contains Malware!
Google Chrome has blocked access to Iowa | Big Ten for now.
Even if you have visited this website safely in the past, visiting it now is very likely to infect your computer with malware.
Malware is malicious software that causes things like identity theft, financial loss, and permanent file deletion. Learn more
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Improve malware detection by sending additional data to Google when I encounter warnings like this. Privacy policy

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