Admins: Is there a limit...


Moderator the size of one's "ignore list" here? I have been adding to mine daily because of the influx of idiots playing comedian or posting off-topic political crap on the board, and I just want to make sure I have room for all of them.

Am I on there? I like playing comedian to all of the various coaching rumors being floated around.

Oh yeah, the boosters here in Austin are peeved about the collapse of the UT basketball team this year and are calling for Barnes' head. Apparently he is also fed up with administration and boosters since UT is such a football school and it is impossible to win here. Oh, and I also heard that he was interested in the Iowa job since he has heard the rumblings about the program and is glad that Iowa does not have a football team. I think his quote went something like, "Iowa is a Big Ten school right? Wow. That would be great to coach basketball in the Midwest since kids up there only play basketball. It would be great to get out of Texas and the south since football is only played in Texas and the SEC I won't have to compete with a football program for attention. I would soooo love the Iowa job." Yeah, something like that anyway. Or not.
What happens if you put yourself on your own ignore list? Do you just instantly vanish into a wisp of subatomic particals or what?