ACC pulling the trigger? But not for who you'd think...

The clowns are winning the close games, something our coaching staff cannot do...Let's wait and see how many close games our coaching staff wins this year. Unless we are ahead by 10 in the 4th quarter, we lose three out of four. AND this is a staff that WANTS to be in close games...They want to be in close games but they lose 75% of those games. What's wrong with this picture???
I'll try to get the thread back on topic, if the KF hate can stop and the preoccupation with the loss to ISU can end.

After reading the article it certainly appears Pitt and Syracuse are talking to the ACC. This is becoming quite a chess game with five conferences as players and one (the B1G) observing from the corner of the room. The question becomes will we end up with four or five BCS AQ conferences? It certainly looks like there will not be the current six.

The Big East would be a conference of seven, after minus the aforementioned.
The Big XII would be a conference of seven or five, after minus A&M, the Okie's, and possibly Texas and Tech.

Ct, WV, So Fl, Cincy, Louisville, Rutger, and TCU along with Big 12 Texas, Tech, Missouri, Kansas, KSU, ISU and Baylor would have to find a home or merge into a new conference. Notre Dame would have to find a new home for its other sports. It just might be the breaking point for ND to join the Big Ten. I do not see Texas wanting to be apart of any conglomeration of the BE and B12 so that may be the reason for ACC interest.

The SEC will add a 14th team from among the remaining parts and should ND join the Big 10 then it would likely add a 14th team. From the leftovers it looks like Missouri would be the pick of the litter.
The clowns are winning the close games, something our coaching staff cannot do...Let's wait and see how many close games our coaching staff wins this year. Unless we are ahead by 10 in the 4th quarter, we lose three out of four. AND this is a staff that WANTS to be in close games...They want to be in close games but they lose 75% of those games. What's wrong with this picture???

They "want" to be in close games??? Are you freaking kidding me? They are in close games because we do NOT have the talent to blow teams out. It is the truth, whether you like it or not. You have an incredibly low IQ about Iowa football. Just because we play a style of football that makes a lot of games close, doesn't mean we can just bring in a new coach and play another style that allows us to blow every team out and win the NC every year. As the saying goes, we are who we are. Iowa football is not OSU or USC....

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