About that JUCO punter

The lid is about the get blown off the top of this story, expect bombshell headlines to dominate the offseason storyline narratives nationwide.
More like "what didn't he do.....", this one goes all the way to the top. Expect a dramatic press conference where some investigative reporter asks Kirk about a punter who is "not in good standing with the special teams".
Whoa, wut, for those of us not in the lupe?

Not going to perpetrate rumor, hearsay and innuendo on this board, but let's just say that if this is as bad as I'm hearing there is going to be some major fallout and KF and the U of I's general counsel are going to have some longwinded discussions about whether or not KF's "termination for cause" clause can be invoked.
this will rock Hawkeyenation to it's very foundation [Jackie Chiles]

If you want details, listen to Coast to Coast AM. The truth can be found there.
Hopefully the story doesn't break during Super Bowl weekend. It'd be a shame for the weekend to get overshadowed by this untold story coming out of IC.:(
Hopefully the story doesn't break during Super Bowl weekend. It'd be a shame for the weekend to get overshadowed by this untold story coming out of IC.:(
You do not want this to fester like all of those blisters you get from the prostitutes in bangkok
Sometimes powerful people try to leak a scandalous story when a big event is going on so that fewer people notice. Friday afternoon document dumps are a common thing in DC. I am guessing you will see something like this happen Super Bowl Sunday or during the Opening Ceremony of the Sochi Olympics. There is only so long that they can continue to cover this thing up, the pressure on the dam is about to make it break.
Not going to perpetrate rumor, hearsay and innuendo on this board, but let's just say that if this is as bad as I'm hearing there is going to be some major fallout and KF and the U of I's general counsel are going to have some longwinded discussions about whether or not KF's "termination for cause" clause can be invoked.

Look, pal, Iowa football already took one heavy hit when Mangino was announced as OC at ISU. That more or less sucked all the air out of the room. Skill position recruits will feed off the type of high-powered offense they're going to run over there in Ames. It'll be a gravy train to Jack Trice. I'm guessing in a year or so Kurt and Brian and the rest of the Iowa staff will be scouring the DII and DIII commitment rosters for possible players. So let's not be tossing out any hearsay about what's going on behind the walls of Fort Kinnick; we already have enough problems.
Look, pal, Iowa football already took one heavy hit when Mangino was announced as OC at ISU. That more or less sucked all the air out of the room. Skill position recruits will feed off the type of high-powered offense they're going to run over there in Ames. It'll be a gravy train to Jack Trice. I'm guessing in a year or so Kurt and Brian and the rest of the Iowa staff will be scouring the DII and DIII commitment rosters for possible players. So let's not be tossing out any hearsay about what's going on behind the walls of Fort Kinnick; we already have enough problems.

Kurt and Brian will be scouting DII guys IF they aren't fired and IF we don't get a one year death penalty. This is huge. I've already relegated the team to second place in the state in my mind after the SEZ announcement and with Mangino, my fear is solidified. I'm just worried about the broader program at this point.
If we get the Death Penalty then other schools can take our players as transfers without sitting out a year or counting against the other teams scholarship limit. It will be open season for any kid on Iowa's roster. Do you remember when the whole Illinois coaching staff walked around State College looking for football players to transfer a couple years ago? It will be like that but with Mangino rolling down the hill towards the IMU going after Tevaun Smith or the dangerous playmaker CJ Beatherd.