Didn't love the last play call, but we did need to go to the sidelines to stop clock, with only one timeout. Likely, there were "safer" ways to do it, but we were being aggressive.
At least we didn't attempt to run the clock out to play for overtime, I think that would have caused more ire on the board than the questionable playcall, unless of course either would have worked out for a win.
It's all subjective really, but we were definitely going to try to win the game, it's debatable on the quality of the play call, whether it was the play or the quality of the pass.
for the record, the more I think about it, the more I like the 3rd and 1 bomb, I just hate the fact we didn't go for it on 4th (it's the overall combination of those two things that just doesn't add up).
complete side question, how many penalties did Iowa have on Saturday and for how many yards, too lazy to look it up...