About future: A thought that intrigues me

I'm beginning to realize there is no reason to visit these boards daily in the offseason. News regarding the program that I actually care about only comes out once every several wks. For the most part the rest of it consists of a bunch of guys trying to find ways to kill time until the season gets here and we actually have real football to discuss. The things people banter back and forth about just to kill time usually aren't worth wasting your time reading. Everyone is always right and someone is always wrong. Then there's name calling and then a couple jokers come in and try to be funny, but usually fail miserably (or they are like Letterman and they laugh at their own jokes because no one else finds them to be funny). Pretty typical offseason message board nonsense. Most of the time I only visit frequently because I'm bored at work....

Speaking of which does anyone have any good website recommendations that help kill time and are work-appropriate? Besides Hawkeye related stuff. I have that covered.
I'm beginning to realize there is no reason to visit these boards daily in the offseason. News regarding the program that I actually care about only comes out once every several wks. For the most part the rest of it consists of a bunch of guys trying to find ways to kill time until the season gets here and we actually have real football to discuss. The things people banter back and forth about just to kill time usually aren't worth wasting your time reading. Everyone is always right and someone is always wrong. Then there's name calling and then a couple jokers come in and try to be funny, but usually fail miserably (or they are like Letterman and they laugh at their own jokes because no one else finds them to be funny). Pretty typical offseason message board nonsense. Most of the time I only visit frequently because I'm bored at work....

Speaking of which does anyone have any good website recommendations that help kill time and are work-appropriate? Besides Hawkeye related stuff. I have that covered.

Try Pinterest. No Hawkeye talk at all over there I hear.
Try Pinterest. No Hawkeye talk at all over there I hear.

Nice try - In My Element - she has hawkeye swag elsewhere on the site. Don't do pinterest myself but asked her if she put related stuff up there.

She watches all of the football games, goes to the swimming and diving competitions and gymnastics meets @ both the field house and when in Carver.

Pretty sure she isn't alone but I'm not going looking for more.
I miss Homer. Sure he was a homer, but he balanced the board out from us super pessimistic guys.
reddit is probably the biggest time waster site i've ever seen. great stuff on there. its kinda like pinterest for guys on steroids. also it was started before pinterest. www.reddit.com
Thanks for the feedback. I never tried pinterest because I heard you have to be "invited". Plus that site is now blocked at my work. I'll try the other recommendations during my down time today tho.

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