Abdul Hodge might have gained a lot of new fans

You could tell when Tebow hit the ground after that pop at the goalline he wasn't feeling too hot. It's simple - Tebow will not survive taking on NFL DB's and LB's like he did in college.
Thanks for posting. I was honestly not aware Hodge was still in the NFL. I thought he was forced to give it up after injury issues in Green Bay (knee I think).
Four nondescript years in the NFL? If he did things the right way financially, his family should be in pretty good position even if he doesn't end up making the team this year.

At least much better than the rest of us who have worked four nondescript years in our respective positions.
i'll take bench on the nfl any day instead of sitting behind a desk reading about players sitting on the bench
how could god allow timmy rah-rah to get hurt?!? it's just not right
Will you all be coming back and singing Tebows' praises when he proves he can be an NFL QB or will you just keep acting like 5 year olds and wishing injury on a young man that has done nothing to you? I'm a bronco fan and never have bought into the Tebow hype but wishing someone bodily harm or bragging that he is hurt is pretty low, what goes around comes around , may a player on your NFL teams be injured by a former Hawk so we can chat about it, yay.
Will you all be coming back and singing Tebows' praises when he proves he can be an NFL QB or will you just keep acting like 5 year olds and wishing injury on a young man that has done nothing to you? I'm a bronco fan and never have bought into the Tebow hype but wishing someone bodily harm or bragging that he is hurt is pretty low, what goes around comes around , may a player on your NFL teams be injured by a former Hawk so we can chat about it, yay.

Agreed cheering a player get hurt is pretty stupid. Didn't like Florida, can't stand the Broncos, didn't like all the hype he got, but he seems to be a stand up guy.
Will you all be coming back and singing Tebows' praises when he proves he can be an NFL QB or will you just keep acting like 5 year olds and wishing injury on a young man that has done nothing to you? I'm a bronco fan and never have bought into the Tebow hype but wishing someone bodily harm or bragging that he is hurt is pretty low, what goes around comes around , may a player on your NFL teams be injured by a former Hawk so we can chat about it, yay.

Sing praise for Tebow?! Never. I absolutely despise the guy.
I don't think anyone ever said people should be singing praises for him. What has been said is that cheering an injury, or wishing a player gets injured, is bush league

Bush league? Not so certain about that. To me, and to many a football fan, knocking out the QB, especially on you absolute cannot stand, is like watching that heavyweight fighter you are wishing to go down get knocked out.
That's a good body blow by Hodge.
Leave Timmy alone!!!!!!

Found a video, go to 3:18 and they replay it a few times. Caution: The music is really lame, there is no commentary. Hodge is #52

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dv8ak0J91-c"]YouTube - Tim Tebow Highlights of his first NFL game -- Denver Broncos[/ame]
"Lame" doesn't even come close to describing that musical selection. There are not words to describe how terrible it is.
Like the hit by AH, too bad Toebow got the TD.
Tebow needs a ton of work, based on this clip. He had some nice plays but is very inconsistent.​

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