A transfer that Hoiberg actually can't get and Iowa desperately needs.

It will be interesting to see what happens to Wichita State next year... they built a team from scratch, now they all graduate.
It will be interesting to see what happens to Wichita State next year... they built a team from scratch, now they all graduate.

Not sure if you're serious... Early, Carter, Lufile and Wiggins are all transfers. That's their best player and 4 of the guys in their 8 man rotation.
Hoiberg can get whoever he wants. He plays by NBA rules on the college level. He'll be at ISU until the NCAA starts sniffing around...then he's off to the NBA.

If his style is the new college basketball. Well...that'd be a shame. But it seems like a number of teams are seeing how far they can take it. Just win... let everybody else debate the details. By the time they have it sorted out... I'll be gone.

Thank you Calipari, Carroll, etc etc
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I used to think it was a big risk to take on Hoiberg's strategy, but it's clearly worked for him and he's phased more traditional recruiting into his plan once he got things off the ground. He wasn't wrong; it was legal, it was effective, and there hasn't been any trouble regarding the guys who transferred in since he took over. I would gladly take a do-over to see Fran employ similar tactics, if it meant getting to the Sweet 16 (or beyond) this year.

He kept Royce on the right side of sanity just long enough.

But it was close.

What I'm saying here is keep on the lookout when dining at Ames area Burger Kings.
Hoiberg can get whoever he wants. He plays by NBA rules on the college level. He'll be at ISU until the NCAA starts sniffing around...then he's off to the NBA.

If his style is the new college basketball. Well...that'd be a shame. But it seems like a number of teams are seeing how far they can take it. Just win... let everybody else debate the details. By the time they have it sorted out... I'll be gone.

Thank you Calipari, Carroll, etc etc

Lol, when has there ever been any suggestion that Hoiberg is cheating to get these guys? He's not Calipari or Huggins. Hell, his guys actually get degrees (for whatever they're worth).
I'd like to know what exactly you think he does that is against the rules. But seriously, a coach set out to find ways to win? What a shock.
Hoiberg can get whoever he wants. He plays by NBA rules on the college level. He'll be at ISU until the NCAA starts sniffing around...then he's off to the NBA.

If his style is the new college basketball. Well...that'd be a shame. But it seems like a number of teams are seeing how far they can take it. Just win... let everybody else debate the details. By the time they have it sorted out... I'll be gone.

Thank you Calipari, Carroll, etc etc

Yes, Hoiber actually invented cheating in ncaa basketball. Before that everyone, including the best teams like Kentucky, Um ect were getting all those good players by hard work.
Lol, when has there ever been any suggestion that Hoiberg is cheating to get these guys? He's not Calipari or Huggins. Hell, his guys actually get degrees (for whatever they're worth).

Um, dude, they're on probation through September of next year for major recruiting violations for things such as calls and texts during dead periods, etc. Or did I totally miss your sarcasm?
If they aren't getting in trouble after the transfer, I don't see the big deal. I thought this would blow up in Hoiberg's face a long time ago, but it hasn't.

Yes, that's a huge key to this strategy. Obviously there is a certain amount of luck that Fred has had with the transfers he's chosen. I think he tries to interview them fairly hard as well as talk to their coaches, and teammates (college, AAU, HS).

When he first got to ISU, we took some guys that did have some issues in the past. Royce stole a computer, and the two Michigan State guys probably smoked too much weed. Since then, they've been fairly well behaved so it worked out. The remainder of the transfers were transferring for more mature reasons like playing time, wanting to win, style of play, etc.

Abdel Nader, mostly wanted to play on a winning team. McKay didn't want to play with his back to the basket at Marquette. Babb wanted more PT on a winning team. Booker wanted to play at a higher level than Southern Illinois. I think Clyburn just wanted to play for a winning team, etc. If we land Lee it will be mostly because he wants to play in more of a face-up role, which he wasn't able to do at Temple. None of these kids got in any trouble or were considered to be problems.

My point is, that a lot of our transfers have been perfectly find citizens and weren't kicked off their respective teams. A small handful did have baggage, but Fred was able to manage them and help them mature.
What's wrong with giving a second chance? Especially if they graduate, perform well on the court, and are good citizens.

Nothing is wrong with a second chance, but that chance should be earned. Fred is basically waving them into Ames immediately after being kicked off of their previous team. It's not so much as a second chance as it is straight win at all costs. If anyone but Hoiberg did this, you'd see it the same way.
I think they pretty much understand if they screw this second chance up, they're out. He'll give them a second chance, but they'll have to show they are ready to let go of the little bad boy behavior and grow up. They seem to understand that the chance he has given them has value beyond just playing basketball. Somehow, they seem to change and grow up.
I think they pretty much understand if they screw this second chance up, they're out. He'll give them a second chance, but they'll have to show they are ready to let go of the little bad boy behavior and grow up. They seem to understand that the chance he has given them has value beyond just playing basketball. Somehow, they seem to change and grow up.

Not really. Royce White is still a complete *******. He isn't changed or mature, he was simply kept under wraps in Ames. Kane is still a thug that was ejected from a game early in the year for going after another player's eyes.

This isn't a fairy tale, this is a coach who knows the fans and administration is so behind him, he can bring in any miscreant he wants.
Nothing is wrong with a second chance, but that chance should be earned. Fred is basically waving them into Ames immediately after being kicked off of their previous team. It's not so much as a second chance as it is straight win at all costs. If anyone but Hoiberg did this, you'd see it the same way.

Except all of these guys keep their noses clean in Ames. Besides, the majority of the guys who have transferred in didn't come with baggage. If memory serves, only White, Allen and Lucious were kicked off their previous teams. Babb, Clyburn, McGee, Kane and Hogue are/were all either JUCO guys or players who transferred for the usual reasons (PT, closer to home, etc.). Argue that he took risks early on all you want, but none of the guys he has now have baggage, and neither does Lee.
Not really. Royce White is still a complete *******. He isn't changed or mature, he was simply kept under wraps in Ames. Kane is still a thug that was ejected from a game early in the year for going after another player's eyes.

This isn't a fairy tale, this is a coach who knows the fans and administration is so behind him, he can bring in any miscreant he wants.

We brought in an ex-con.

White's mental issues might have been kept under wraps, but he didn't get booted from Minnesota for being crazy.
Nothing is wrong with a second chance, but that chance should be earned. Fred is basically waving them into Ames immediately after being kicked off of their previous team. It's not so much as a second chance as it is straight win at all costs. If anyone but Hoiberg did this, you'd see it the same way.

Explain? Exactly how is this earned? They have to sit out a year. They are told this is their last chance.

If the kids were still problems and did not graduate, then I can see your complaint being valid. But if they get their degree, why is it a bad thing again? That trumps everything in my mind, kids getting their college diploma is a good thing no?

White had a chance to go pro so he is the exception in terms of degrees.
I think its somewhat..say...ironic...that the player Hoiberg's had the most troubles with is a 4 year guy from right there in Ames
Lol, when has there ever been any suggestion that Hoiberg is cheating to get these guys? He's not Calipari or Huggins. Hell, his guys actually get degrees (for whatever they're worth).

Do you think Hoiberg is getting these players because of his boyish charm? How in the world is he getting them to Ames? It is no mystery.

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